Season 4 3 weeks from now no news must we be worried?

season 4 3 weeks from now no news must we be worried?

About what? Does it really make a difference when they announce the seasonal theme? Its not like they are gonna scrap it and start over last minute, if people dislike it. Personally, id prefer if they didnt go into every single detail in a 2 hour campfire every time they add something new to the game (and no i dont watch them, but once the info is out, its everywhere). Let us discover it ourselves, when it goes live.

Well i hope they dont extend season 3 again (not my favorite season)

Yes, agreed; I’d prefer discovery.

Season 4 includes some big fundamental changes that span further than any one season. I dont think they will delay again, but even if they do, id rather have another delay than another broken patch, i’d prefer they take their time and get it right for once.
People need to stop seeing delays as a negative thing, its always better to delay than release a unfinished product.

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‘A late game is only late for some time but a bad game is bad forever.’
Someone said that sometime.

Can we get some info what is coming in season 4? Because, you delayed to May 14 and we should have known information by now! It is extremtly annoying when you wait until 1 week before season starts. What are you afraid of? Season 4 better be GOOD and it is your last chance!

The problem is May 14 is just wrong release day for me due to world of warcraft is my main game. April 16 was perfect release day, sadface!

Good luck, Blizzard!

Good luck, Blizzard.

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Ofcourse the most important thing is that they bring something much better then diablo 4 is now. But some more info would be nice to :slight_smile:

It’s matter of live and dead. Let’s hope they managed well
and we can play D4 forever.

I thought season 4 was supposed to start 24th. Nowhere though any kind of info about it at all, so does it start today or not?

It starts May 16th, im pretty sure it says so on the character selcection screen ingame.
Edit: I just checked, character selection screen says Season 3 ends May 14. So there is probably 2 days downtime between season 3 and 4.