Server issues and lags is a risk for dying

2 days ago I experienced longer lags on the Helltide. I think it must be a server issue since the lags were there also for a friend. I can understand that server sided lags or client sided lags can not be avoided all the time. But often you don’t realize if there is a danger for lagging. It would be already nice help if there would be an indicator or symbol if the ping is too high so that I can avoid going into dangerous situations and risking my character to die.

I would say that lag issues or such things are mainly related to users’ stuff (pc, internet connection, etc.). The bigger issue is server overload drops (code 395002) during farming mobs or doing missions…

Well, I have an awesome PC and I only lag on helltide, it’s like being in Dalaran in Wow when there is too many people, it’s the servers 100%