Shadow Clone broken

After the last patch is completelly broken, not only that it doesnt copy the imbuements anymore but it doesnt even attack.
Tested with rapid fire and aspect of imitating ofc, you can’t even see the projectiles is supposed to shoot.

Same issue here and others have mentioned the same on Reddit.

Shadow Clone doesn’t work for Rapid Fire. It sets Poison Trap and will fire Forceful Arrow, but no Rapid Fire. This kills the RF build.

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Good to know mate, there is hope then. Tought i’m the only one who’s not playing fotm builds and no one will give a damn about the clone. My whole build is made around me and my clone since s1, and rn i legit can’t play the game. Peace!

I tested this again today and it’s working again for me. No new patch since it was broken.

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