Sorc is worst class remove the guy who is making sorc please

I wrote the big topic on sorc spells in beta. And its still same old crap.

Paragons legendary useless, spells half uselless in end game. Uniques half uselless. Items have zero damage modifiers for majority of spells. When we got the uselless Oculus I just dont understand what lunetic is behind the sorc. Skill tree half uselless.

Please remove that uselles guy who is making sorc or at least let him look on other classes. I use 4 legendary paragon aspect on Necro btw.

Remove lucky hit from game its such as uselless stat. Give us raw number of % chance. Why I have to calculate it my self?


All Skill clusters need to have 6 Skills. All of them needs atleast 3-6 Enhancement branches. Also 6 Enchantments slots every 15 levels. No brainer. Every Skill needs to have multiple Aspects and one Unique item.

They have done NOTHING in last 10 months.

Diversity hires and this is what we got atm…

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From the very beginning of the game, the Sorcerer lacks aspects, legendaries, or affixes that have multiple DPS multipliers. The design of the paragon system is similarly very poor and unthoughtful. It falls far behind other classes, despite someone trying to design this class based on lucky hit, but this mechanic doesn’t function properly in the game (not to mention that other classes have a higher % chance for lucky hit in their spells than the Sorcerer, who needs to invest much more into lucky hit to have the same % chance as the others, so this was clearly not thought through). Besides this, every class has at least 1-3 aspects, paragons, or uniques that multiply DPS, resulting in their DPS reaching billions, whereas the Sorcerer can only achieve a few million DPS at best. Additionally, attack speed was removed from weapons after the PTR, which also negatively impacted this class. It has very few crit % boosts in paragons and in the passive skill tree.

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i wish they would remove you for such a disrespectful post asking for someone being fired xD sorc plays really good this season maybe ur just crap ?


Really good, compared to what? A stone?
And very disrespected when someone is clearly not made for the job but does the job poorly. You ever left your parents house ? I know, if you dont wear your safety helm and stop making pencils in your sheltered workshop you dont get fired. In the real world things work different my young safety hat wearer…