Sorcerers No fun Playstyle

Hi there,

This post will likely be weird for some.
the sorcerer DOESNT HAVE 1 single Playstyle thats being S tier or even fun to play.
First off Their Damage compared to Necromancers, Barbs even Rogue,s is BAD to say the least.
i had several arguments with some people here saying that Sorcerer is Great and do great dmg. well its not i need to say, its pathetic. Necromancers for example even with the Gear thats concidered BAD do great dmg How do u explain That? my necro can go AFK in pit 80 and still kill the boss because the minions ARE OP atm, its insane how bad sorcerers. even the builds are not fun to play. ow and blizzard why are u always neglecting a Hydra build? i really want to see some hydra Legendaries ingame.

well thats it People where right Sorcerer is as bad as Druid. only difference is druid has some fun builds to play.


I wish I could test more than one build, but I don’t even have all gear and updates for that one build.
Nvm, I wouldn’t want to set paragon points more than once anyways.

FO is fun playstyle, but underwhelming performance.

Damage scaling is broken for Sorcerer and they either don’t care or don’t know how to fix it yet.…