Blizzard can take a feather out the cap of the company that makes Path of Exile the POE guys have setup a south african server for us to enjoy low latency gameplay now if a company that small can do it why cant blizzard
Come on blizzard get with it
Blizzard can take a feather out the cap of the company that makes Path of Exile the POE guys have setup a south african server for us to enjoy low latency gameplay now if a company that small can do it why cant blizzard
Come on blizzard get with it
poe is trash and so are you oohooh aahaah
the South African server is amazing. POE latency as low as 16.Diablo latency 250 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++.
+1 for SA Servers!!!
GGG Games is 100% owned by Tencent, they are hardly a small company anymore.
I guarantee MS is even bigger…
Euhm GGG isnt small its basicly funded by Tencent campany behind Warframe.