Suggestion: Build & Inventory Loadouts


Basically what it says on the tin.

The lifecycle of a Diablo character, whether it’s D3 or D4, basically boils down to “monotonous grinding to hope for a marginally better version of your items”.

Despite this the game is actually rather enjoyable.

One thing that I do think would be a welcome change, consensus basically everyone - is the ability to have loadouts.
Whether they’re purchased like Stash tabs, unlocked via certain content thresholds (say, you have one, then a second at level 50, a third at 70, and maybe a fourth at 100) or simply bestowed upon you; I do not see a world where the game does not benefit from implementing this.

Almost every playable build, whether meta or not, cooked up in your private lab or on whatever website is currently crushing the Google SEO algorithm for “diablo 4 builds” - has variations.

There’s the Gauntlet. There’s speedfarming. There’s PVP (all 3 people who do it). There’s single-target boss one-shotting.

Each requires slightly different setups in ability points or items. Maybe certain uniques are great for boss-killing but are otherwise not needed for blasting packs of mobs.

Essentially, I just want a way to save imprints/equipped items into loadouts, and same with abilities.

Thanks for attending my TED talk.

What you are talking about is usually refered to as “Armory” and has been requested by the playerbase since the game launched, and if im not mistaken, it has been confirmed to be in the works, to be included with the first expansion.