Tempering Manuals Stopped Dropping

Hi there,

The tempering manuals stopped dropping since the last update. Is this a bug or something? I haven’t got one dropped since then.


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The legendary temper manuals are rare ( I don’t know drop rate ) but best way I have found to “ Farm “ them is just doing helltides and just farming events the mystery chest and normal chest that coast 75 embers to help increase your chance of them dropping and ( making sure your in world tier 4 of course ).

Ending note it’s all RNG so may the rng gods be in your favor.

I think there is something to this. At least on the eternal realm. On Sunday I played my warrior about 2 hours and got 10-12 temper manuals. The last couple days I’ve played my necromancer for probably 10 hours or so doing pit, nightmare dungeons, world bosses and helltides (especially killing the maidens) and I haven’t seen one temper manual drop.

Something else I’ve noticed is that I am yet to see +golem mastery (chest) and +skeleton mage mastery (gloves and pants) drop on gear. I have been able to enchant gear to get them (at great cost), and I’ve gotten one from gambling obols, but I haven’t seen one single piece drop with them. This is both a problem for trying to get them in general, as well as not having a chance to get a higher rolled one. Has anyone seen these drop on gear on the eternal realm?

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I had this happen too. Here was the situation for me:

I had a relatively high level character for each class on eternal. Four of them were below lvl 100, and I did a couple helltides focusing on blood maiden and have all the temper manuals for them (Sorc, Druid, Rogue, and Necro). The last couple days I have been playing my barb, and have hit a wall with temper manuals. I’ve done many more helltides and blood maiden kills, done lvl 100 NM dungeons, killed the uber bosses/uber Duriel, killed world bosses, complete lvl 60+ pits, and no temper manuals. I think at this point it’s been ~8 hours of play time without finding a Barb temper manual, whereas I think I needed ~2 hours per character to find all of them on the other classes, maybe not even.

Can a developer look into this and confirm the mechanic is working correctly? I’m not sure if it’s the fact that the Barb is lvl 100, whether the drop rate falls off a cliff once you’ve found ~85% of the manuals in total, if they had had too high of a drop rate and they’ve been patched. It’s a bit frustrating to see this much of a drop off without an explanation - especially because I’m trying to play the newer mechanics (e.g., dust devils), but don’t have any of the core tempering manuals for those builds. In turn, this means that I can’t get reasonable gear/use my crafting materials to masterwork, because I need to temper the items first.

Appreciate someone looking into/confirming this. I’m fine if the explanation is they wanted us to really work for that last 10-15%, but the rate of drop-off really seems like it’s a bug.

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Bro it happens to me, i need 1 last tempering manual to finish my build. Like i farm 12 hours straight to get that manual, and i don’t get it.
Someone responds u if they re gona fix it or what?¿

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same issue with me as well - drop rate suddenly got nerfed

Someone in a different thread suggested running lower tier (lvl 21-30) ancestral nightmare dungeons would get the drops going again. I tried it and it solved the problem. I got my missing manuals within 30 minutes.

Don’t know why but this worked for me. After not getting a single drop in hours got 5 in two nightmare dungeons (lvl 25-30)

This also worked for me. I received about three manuals in one run, after spending days.

Does anyone know if you need rare tempering manuals before getting legendary ones? Im in tier 4 and stuck on my Worldly Fortune manual at magic level. Have all the legendaries for my class, except this worldly one at magic level.

Same thing happening here. I have played couple of hours with my Eternal Barbarian and no Tempering Manuals are dropping. Also stopped dropping them on my other characters, Eternal and Seasonal.

What kind are they, rare? Im thinking maybe it has to do with a drop rate, which by the time your in tier 4 loot drops are no longer keeping rare manuals at high chance to drop? Just an idea.

Just ran low level NM dungeons in tier 3, did several blood maidens, just did that for the past 1 and half or so and got tons of rare manuals [probably all the rogue ones, didnt keep track], but not one rare Worldly Fortune. Its got to be something i dont know about that manual or its bugged. I’ve enjoyed this season so far, but not chassing one manual, that i dont even want [being i want the legendary version], but cant even find a middle tier version. I have all the legendary ones for Rogue, but Worldly fortunes is magic level. This has been a huge let down, i dont enjoy going back to tier 3 when youre progressing youre character in more challenging and rewarding content.

Worldly Fortune is locked behind the Iron Wolves rep grinds if I remember correctly.

Can attest this worked for me… hours on 100 nm and 60 pits and zilch. Ran a few 35-30 nm and multiple popped in minutes.

I ran low level NM dungeons, like 5-7, and plenty dropped…I believe every rare rogue manual dropped or manuals available to rogue except for Worldly fortune.

I do have the magic worldly fortune, but no rares found or legendary. I have only 2 more iron wolves reward. Neither of them specific manuals as earlier rewards in the ladder, i think, specifically are manuals.

I do have 2 more iron wolf caches to get. Maybe i should finish these to be sure. Hopefully,there in those, could be why i that manual has been so elusive.

Ah, worldy fortune is obtained through the seasonal journey caches, not the iron wolves.

I can confirm that this is still an issue and that doing low tier (ancestral, 21-35) NMDs solves is.

i runned now like 50 nmds 21-30 and nothing -.-