just found out the hard way that you can only use a scroll on an item once to reset the roll. what is the point in that when you try to get movement speed on boots and re roll evade cooldown 10 times in a row.
its like walking in a Volkswagen show room give them 100.000 euro and you get a Polo
it doesnt make sense, if you want say extra dam. on your weapon you must get extra dam. that the % can be diffrent oke.
you go to the the bakery i want apple pie and you come back with white bread
Yeah, and then you’ll spend another two weeks grinding to earn enough gold to buy yourself a 3-ga item, or if you’re incredibly lucky, you might manage to get one as a drop. But then you enhance it and end up with a crappy stat. After that, there’s only one thing you want to do - delete the game. And that’s exactly what I did.
Hey! You like dodge chance! Hell yeah, let’s roll dodge chance six times in a row!
Here we gooooo!
This should be something very easy to implement if they wanted to. Still make it random, but once you roll a certain stat, that stat wont roll again until you cycle through all the other available option. Then you can decide for yourself if you want to do another 4-5 re rolls to try get better stats. They can still have the scroll, but then make it so you can apply it to gear multiple time. not just once
Or at the very least just not roll the same thing twice in a row. That would be a nice start, but honestly … I’d much rather they take this game in a different direction than RNG and focus on crafting and improving your gear exactly as you want it.
They won’t be able to compete with similar games, but they can make a different gameplay loop in the genre.
The only thing that could “fix” tempering would be to - when rerolling - you have 50% increased chance to get a different temper than you already have.
Cause seeing the same frikking aspect 6 times in a row, using the scroll and the rest of the rolls all rolling the same temper is absolutely stupid. It’s barely a functioning system when there’s 3 tempers in a category and all have the same chance to appear. But most aspects are 4 tempers in a category and 1 of them seem to be rolling 80% of the time. Which is WILDLY stupid. Especially now that ancestrals are so rare that losing them makes you ragequit
i have bricked 4 ancestral’s in the last 2 days because of the stupid roll. no way in hell im going to pay some of the Insane price people ask for some gear just to get it bricked
I’ve had no problems with it, getting 14 attempts is plenty. Any more and it will start getting too easy
I agree. Tempering is BROKEN. You should be able to pick the apect that you want and then roll for the dmg or percentage… not the actual aspect. Bricking items that you grind for is stupid. The scroll being only able to be used once is dumb as hell. Then when you use the scroll… you have 1 less roll than you started with.
There is no way tempering is rng when you get the same temper 10 times in a row (as has happened to me several times) only to brick an item
JUST did this… only 3 possible tempers, 2 were trash for me, 1 one good. 6 tempers, and it just kept picking the same 2 trash ones every time. Used a scroll, 4 tempers in on that and I finally got the boost (more or less… was a fraction above the minimum) and I just had to take it because now I only have 2 shots at the other temper using the same ret***ed system!
I’m currently running a HC character leveling.
Trying for + life on both pants and chest.
Nothing but % armor, 4 times in a row. Which is pointless for leveling because your armor is so low.
The life upgrade could easily have doubled and tripled my current HP. It is infinitely frustrating rolling the same thing OVER and OVER again. It’s like the game is taunting you with this stupid system.
Nope tempering is in a nice spot atm. Sometimes u have bad luck but ye shit happen.
what can we say… have you ever used it?
Every single day and dont brick that many items