This glyph is supposed to enhance Physical Damage nodes, but I don’t see any magical node with those characteristics.
The physical damage could be changed for “(regular) damage” or “bone damage”, for example for it to make sense and be useful somewhere.
This glyph is basically useless for damage I think unless I’m mistaken. Please modify it so that it can be used to improve our builds. I think it was designed for bone or corpse explosion builds since it’s physical.
Bone dmg = physical dmg too
Normally yes. But have you tried it to see if the bone damage magical nodes were improved by the glyph ? I think I’ve seen a thread on reddit explaining it didn’t. I can’t launch the game to try it for myself now…
I’ve tried the glyph and it doesn’t seem to take the magical nodes (bone damage) into consideration at all. I do get the 10% physical damage bonus as I have 40 INT points in the range, but absolutely nothing else. So, I think the glyph is still bugged and has to be reworked to include bone damage for it to be useful in the lower left spot of the bone board for example (pretty sure that’s where it was intended to be placed).
I dont play bone dmg so i cant testing it, but it isnt wondering me. Many glyphs and notes for the necro are bugged or not working as they should.
I’ve tried again this morning and it seems you still only benefit from the 10% damage, the bone nodes don’t benefit from the glyph, which is supposed to buff physical damage. There is only ONE slot this glyph would make sense for damage and it does nothing. I’ve seen this morning that they’ve corrected some bugged glyphs but not this one… too bad.