The Next class and expansion as the story seems to be going

Im not sure anymore we get Paladin/Crusader we all want for next expansion, but that we get something similar as Mephisto has taken over and become his worst enemy (That is not the heavens angels) as Akarat as the Vessel of Hatred expansion ended. As the Prime evil, no one of the Prime evils have thought about that. Becoming the enemy and infiltrating/corrupting froom within. Being Akarat, Mephisto will destroy what’s left of the Prime evil ancient enemy, The Order of Zakarum which Akarat was the founder of. Which will also be the Paladin/Crusaders, so the remaining Paladins/Crusaders will most likely become the enemy for the player. Why would they not follow Mephisto as their Jesus has return to them. Maybe that was what the Crusaders in Hawezar was looking for. The relic of Akarat turned out to be Akarat himself.

So what could we get instead. Perhaps the Templars from D3, Perhaps Kormac has reformed the Templar Order and is their new Grand Maester or The Knights Penitent/Pale knight as the Cathedral of Light is on the players side now from how Vessel of Hatred ended and the player will need and army for the new War with the Prime evils. Both use the Light in different ways than the Zakarum.

The Templars mostly use spear and shield but could use swords,maces, flails so they could give that Paladin/Crusader feeling and as there are also people who wanted to play Amazon but The Templar could also give that. If people want to play Amazon with bow, the Rogue class can do that as the Sisters of the sightless eye are Mostly former/outcast Amazons who eventully let women from the mainland to join the sisterhood to increase their numbers as they not getting anymore Amazon women from the islands to join them.
But as we seen in this picture for Diablo 4 they let “some” men in their ranks. (Probably have to “earn it” to join) to be as the muscle of the group. Buuuuttt…could also just be the cannonfodder as the Sisters don’t want to lose any more sisters to demons or what not. Who knows?? in a “women only” faction :slight_smile: .

But back to Templars.

Here is a Templar from D3.

Or The Knights Penitent/Pale Knight becomes playable. They mostly use massive shields and polearms, but they could also use swords, mace, flails. They also worship the Holy Father Inarius.

And after his death in Hell, if you talk to the people of Kyovashad. They believe in Inarius (The Holy Father) even more now after his death. (Probably Prava’s doing) And in the end of Vessel of Hatred the Cathedral of Light is on the player side in the coming war against the Prime evils. So could easily make a story that a new acolyte is coming to Kor Valar to meet Prava and Inarius to finish his/her training to become a The Knights Penitent/Pale Knight in the Holy Father army. Coming the same way as all the other playable classes starts their journey through the Blizzard.

Shame that Inarius dead, He could have become a great weapon/brother in arms for the The Knights Penitent/Pale Knight. Having an Angel fighting side by side with The Knights Penitent/Pale Knight against Hell and the Prime evils.

So either could beome the next class as we players want Paladin/Crusaders class but with Mephisto planing to destroy The Order of Zakarum from within, it wouldn’t make sense. Don’t get me wrong I would love to play Paladin/Crusader in D4 but as the story is going right now. It wouldn’t make sense. And the Diablo 4 team wants to make new classes for Diablo 4 than reuse old ones. But the Templar and The Knights Penitent/Pale Knight could do both that. Give the players Paladin/Crusader class yet being something new.

Rhykker (Youtuber) thinks it would be Templar from his clip/video.

Dire wolves as the new mounts would be awsome. Maybe Mephisto Wolf aspect as a mount in deluxe version/Collectios edition would be cool.

I think next expansion they proably want to go to familiar grounds like Westmarch (Westmarch banner is a wolf so makes sense for Mephisto to go there) and Tristram, New Tristram and Lut Gholein etc. Running into Skeleton King a fourth time?? Nah would be better if something else happend there and also Heard New Tristram fell after Diablo 3 so the entire area must have been taken over by Nature. Wortham probably the only place that survived.

We need a drop out type, like a vagrant, a slacker or a a beatnik. An allround persona non grata

as for the plot, there is a theory, but I am more inclined to the version that there will be Xiansai as a new location and perhaps the wizard class will be returned from d3, or modified, in d3 this class had arcana magic, perhaps it will be added to d4, along with some other magic, I really would like to add a class from Diablo immortal, namely a vampire, an unusual fresh class, to give him the opportunity to reveal himself to the fullest, perhaps when we move to the second continent with Tristram and add him, there are also the Skov islands, the birthplace of the Amazon, it would be nice to add them as part of the add-on

I hope all of you continuing to support the game by playing it and especially the ones continuing to purchasing the overly expensive expansions (p2w anyway) I truly hope you choke to your food next time youre eating.

let the game wither away. Stop playing it. Stop buying it.

why don’t u just leave a project you disagree with? what’s the point in placing effort to stop it? that makes no sense and it’s anti-civil if anything. i bet u don’t want that, u r just frustrated with how things are going. disappointed. me too but i try and roll with the punches and squeeze out what satisfaction i can from what there is.
u should stop playing, and stop buying, and you should spend time somewhere it matters, where you can do good. here you are just grinding against, it’s not useful for you. or it wouldn’t be for me, idk why it would be for you but i don’t actually presume to know if it is.

the micro on cosmetics is expensive. it’s unfair because to look alright you gotta buy in. it’s not just the extra special little twinkle on your bracelet but the whole look. and yea, if u don’t try u will look like the final hobo.
but it’s fair because you opt in to pay extra for something you agree with and get a premium. the idea needs more work, like the bulk of cosmetics should be in the game already; the bulk of FINE cosmetics. Extra should be just that: extra, not the thing u gotta have.
What’s the alternative that you love better then?

Only half-agreed on expansions. In my opinion they’re usually not fleshed out enough to capture their high price. I agree with that. But I disagree that they’re worthless, I think they’re essential monetary injects to the project. Without them I don’t see a possible continuance.
Thing is that if they see money they always grab for as much as possible, and I hate that. The ideal is a symbiosis between customer and company where neither takes advantage and both wish the best, a mutualism where both parties gain and harmonize. Idealistic, absolutely, and I think you realise that too.

anyway, whatever; it just sickens me u wish ppl a bad time and I don’t think u actually do. it’s just that u r having a bad time, and that’s also sickening. unfortunately there’s nothing i can do about that but lay clear my reasons for supporting the project.

Oh Cruel world!!

My chicken casserole went down very well, but thanks for the concern!

Wizard? Nah I really doubt it we see wizard class since we have already have Sorcerer/Sorceress. Yes Arcane is something missing but I think it would used for a new kind of class. I believed before Diablo 4 was released it would be a Iron Wolf mercenary (as The Angels had shut their doors after Diablo 3 and never answered the humans prays and left humans to their own fate which alot of humans went to more Diabolic worship instead) that would be the “Sword and shield” class as they are warrior mercenary that use arcane magic, Similar to a battle mage but I don’t think that will happen either.

Vampire they said years ago is not happening. But if you want to play as a Vampire in Diablo 4, the Necromancer has Blood skills. Give him/her pale skin and red eyes and you have your Vampire class. There is also Vampire armors for the Necromancer at the Tejal’s Cosmetics Shop and Vampire Horse armor. Also there was in Season…was it 2? that had Season of blood or something and that had vampire stuff. Wish we had better dye system so one can make everything black or white etc etc.

Im not saying we never see Xiansai and Skov islands as that would be new places to see in the Diablo world. They might come later.

Why Im saying we going to Westmatch and Tristram etc is because is Diablo 4 is not going so good as the devs had hoped, so they are going back to what people are familiar with. I had hope we see Mount Arreat but that probably be later on. And they know and said at a stream “We know you want Paladin class” so the Diablo team acknowledged they know players want Paladin/Crusader class. Although they want to make new classes and how the story is going is Mephisto is going to destroy the Zakarum faith from within. That has been a thorn to the Prime evils for 1000s of years. The Templar order and Knights penitent/Cathedral of Light believe in the Light differently and Akarat was the one that started Zakarum faith. So with either Templar or Knights penitent class will be something new for Diablo 4 and different from Paladin/Crusader.

? Would that still be a Paladin/Crusader? Paladin/Crusader are fully committed to the Light. They make prays everyday. A drop out type, like a vagrant, a slacker or a a beatnik would mean He/Her is no longer a Paladin/Crusader. And I don’t think it will be as fun to play if this class is not a zealous, devoted and believer of the Light.

Sure there still Paladins/Crusaders in Hawezar who are in search for Akarat’s Relic but the player already found that relic which turned out to be Akarat himself. And when they “see” A living Akarat, their holy Jesus infront of them. They will of course follow Him aka Mephisto.

We wont see crusader/paladin coz they want completetly new class who never created before. I might be wrong who knows! I want more range class, not melee. We have only 2 range classes Sorcerer and Necromancer!

Ranger maybe. But it’s dex and spiritborn’s dex. could be wil too but it’s not cause of reasons.

Ofcourse we will get some kind of Paladin/Crusader class. Majority of players wants the class and devs have acknowledged it. Yes the devs said in the past they want to make new classes but Diablo 4 has not gone as well as they hope and player been asking for Paladin/Crusader class. So why not make a class what players want instead of what they don’t want. After Paladin/Crusader type been made they can go back to making new classes.

Btw Rogue is ranged class too, as well as Meele. Depending on ones choice. Even Druid can be ranged with its Lighting, Wind and Earth skills.

Rogue can be Ranger/Hunter/Demon Hunter. It has Bows, Crossbows and Traps. So its already in the game.

Vampire class already exist through the Necromancer with its Blood skills.

What’s missing is the “Sword and Shield” class. Necromancer can use Shield yes but its not a Sword and Shield class as its still function as a ranged/summoner class. Like a Necromancer would.

i see what u mean but druid is ranger with summons. rogue’s not a ranger. but yea, rogue’s closer to ranger than druid. thing i am thinking with ranger would be an additional bow class.
anyway, i think your argument for a shielder is more true. it’s the same reason: need someone to use shields. and who is better suited fighting evil than the holy paladin crusader? No one of course.