Im not sure anymore we get Paladin/Crusader we all want for next expansion, but that we get something similar as Mephisto has taken over and become his worst enemy (That is not the heavens angels) as Akarat as the Vessel of Hatred expansion ended. As the Prime evil, no one of the Prime evils have thought about that. Becoming the enemy and infiltrating/corrupting froom within. Being Akarat, Mephisto will destroy what’s left of the Prime evil ancient enemy, The Order of Zakarum which Akarat was the founder of. Which will also be the Paladin/Crusaders, so the remaining Paladins/Crusaders will most likely become the enemy for the player. Why would they not follow Mephisto as their Jesus has return to them. Maybe that was what the Crusaders in Hawezar was looking for. The relic of Akarat turned out to be Akarat himself.
So what could we get instead. Perhaps the Templars from D3, Perhaps Kormac has reformed the Templar Order and is their new Grand Maester or The Knights Penitent/Pale knight as the Cathedral of Light is on the players side now from how Vessel of Hatred ended and the player will need and army for the new War with the Prime evils. Both use the Light in different ways than the Zakarum.
The Templars mostly use spear and shield but could use swords,maces, flails so they could give that Paladin/Crusader feeling and as there are also people who wanted to play Amazon but The Templar could also give that. If people want to play Amazon with bow, the Rogue class can do that as the Sisters of the sightless eye are Mostly former/outcast Amazons who eventully let women from the mainland to join the sisterhood to increase their numbers as they not getting anymore Amazon women from the islands to join them.
But as we seen in this picture for Diablo 4 they let “some” men in their ranks. (Probably have to “earn it” to join) to be as the muscle of the group. Buuuuttt…could also just be the cannonfodder as the Sisters don’t want to lose any more sisters to demons or what not. Who knows?? in a “women only” faction .
But back to Templars.
Here is a Templar from D3.
Or The Knights Penitent/Pale Knight becomes playable. They mostly use massive shields and polearms, but they could also use swords, mace, flails. They also worship the Holy Father Inarius.
And after his death in Hell, if you talk to the people of Kyovashad. They believe in Inarius (The Holy Father) even more now after his death. (Probably Prava’s doing) And in the end of Vessel of Hatred the Cathedral of Light is on the player side in the coming war against the Prime evils. So could easily make a story that a new acolyte is coming to Kor Valar to meet Prava and Inarius to finish his/her training to become a The Knights Penitent/Pale Knight in the Holy Father army. Coming the same way as all the other playable classes starts their journey through the Blizzard.
Shame that Inarius dead, He could have become a great weapon/brother in arms for the The Knights Penitent/Pale Knight. Having an Angel fighting side by side with The Knights Penitent/Pale Knight against Hell and the Prime evils.
So either could beome the next class as we players want Paladin/Crusaders class but with Mephisto planing to destroy The Order of Zakarum from within, it wouldn’t make sense. Don’t get me wrong I would love to play Paladin/Crusader in D4 but as the story is going right now. It wouldn’t make sense. And the Diablo 4 team wants to make new classes for Diablo 4 than reuse old ones. But the Templar and The Knights Penitent/Pale Knight could do both that. Give the players Paladin/Crusader class yet being something new.
Rhykker (Youtuber) thinks it would be Templar from his clip/video.
Dire wolves as the new mounts would be awsome. Maybe Mephisto Wolf aspect as a mount in deluxe version/Collectios edition would be cool.
I think next expansion they proably want to go to familiar grounds like Westmarch (Westmarch banner is a wolf so makes sense for Mephisto to go there) and Tristram, New Tristram and Lut Gholein etc. Running into Skeleton King a fourth time?? Nah would be better if something else happend there and also Heard New Tristram fell after Diablo 3 so the entire area must have been taken over by Nature. Wortham probably the only place that survived.