The Oculus is not fun to use, and doesn't work

My perpsective is that unique items in this game should either be build defining so they feel truly powerful, or, should be something that’s obviously a bit of a meme and inteded to be fun by making some ridiculous build actually plausable - not S-rank meta by any means, but just making a goofy build playable. The Oculus achieves none of those things, which is really disapointing given how significant the weapon slot is in defining the playstyle of characters in Diablo.

An Occulus dropped for me today and at first I was really interested to see how the extra 12 Teleport levels it gave me would impact my play. At rank 20 Teleport I’ve got a 95% lucky hit chance on a 4.7 second cooldown, which when you factor in damage reduction and CDR from Enhanced Teleport, is potentially a really interesting change to playstyle. Whilst the innate rolls on the item contribute essentially nothing to damage, the max evade bonus, evade CD reduction and resource restoration on lucky hit all lead you to a playstyle that’s based on aggressively using Teleport to proc skill effects and lucky hits. Which would be fine, IF the enchantment effect (evade is replaced with a short range teleport) didn’t send you to a random location and could be relied upon to proc the Teleport bonuses from the skill tree. There is absolutely zero utility, or fun, in using Evade to randomly TP around the screen. Its not even particularly random as the TP location is almost always at least in the cardinal direction opposite to where your curser is pointing - you know, like where you’re aiming your spells. Given a lot of sorc builds require you to be close to mobs when you cast spells this enforced distance is unhelpful.

The Evade effect doesn’t appear to trigger any of the skill tree bonuses for Teleport, and due to the random nature of the TP location, its impossible to work out if it triggers lucky hit. Surely these procs are the only reason why you’d ever consider using this weapon? If these procs do occur, there needs to be a UI change to make this obvious. If, as I suspect, these procs don’t happen at all, then the weapon is completely pointless.

Oh - I forgot to mention, within 5 minutes of testing the unique effect of the weapon I got teleported into some terrain that I was unable to move from. I had to teleport back to town. I have no idea how this passed through QC to make it into a live release.


Oh yes, I agree. I found an even less useful version of this weapon on a lower level, with less bonuses on skill, etc. I hoped at least some useful crafting materials when destroyed it, but it turned out that it gives even less quantity and quality crafting materials than a simple legendary :'D So, it seems it is better to sell, and that’s all.


Me pasó lo mismo. Me da miedito usar teleport donde el terreno no sea plano. A la que exista una colina o algo similar te lleva bajo tierra y te obliga a usar el teleporte a la ciudad. Espero que solucionen pronto el bug de “El oculus”

i wonder who the person is, behind this random teleport trash to ask him/her why the unique has to be ruined by this randomness …

its complete trash

Agree, its trash. its rare unique item also. They should make it like normal tp each time, then sorc will be pretty nice for speed farms.

I got one last night, and it took a little tweaking my build around it, but I love it. By far the best unique I have found. I have not really tried the Raiment of the Infinite yet that one dropped a couple of days ago. Thing is I don’t use teleport as a skill, using the chest piece would be a big change. I use Ice Blades, Ice Shards, Frost Nova, Ice Armor, Blizzard and Deep Freeze and I need them all.

In case you are playing a seasonal character, try equipping Metamorphosis vampiric power. Doing so does not randomly teleport you anymore. But the Teleport buffs don’t apply,too.