The season is over and the offensive aspect.....?

Until now I have not been able to complete any offensive aspect ???
The season is over
Is this reasonable?
Is this normal?

I feel now that I am not ready for season 7
And I will not waste my time in this miserable situation
Who made this decision ??
And what did he benefit from it ???
Do you think it is a good thing that season 6 ends
And 80% of the players were not able to complete there offensive aspect ???

It is strange and sad

And the strange thing is… that nothing has changed
And this system will move to season 7 ???

No, no, sir, no
I will not fall into the trap twice
Neither me nor my friends

And let the owner of this bad decision enjoy watching the players who are fan to D4 running away

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You what? Whatever ur talking about, u had 3 months to do it, if u couldnt do it in 3 months, it ain’t the games fault, i finished my season in 2 weeks.
Also, the season hasn’t ended yet, there is still about a week to go.

here we go …
Here we are…
again with one of the game’s defenders M.R Savator ←

And those who believe that the game has no flaws or errors

Listen to me carefully

I played throughout the season and did all the content

And I never missed anything and I play eight hours a day

So if you don everything and upgrade all your offensive aspects in 2 weeks ???

Show us that

Put a clear picture of ( your player ) clearly showing everything i talk about

I played throughout the season non stop till today neither I nor my seven friends could do it. And you did this in two weeks?

show us all your fully upgraded aspects <-----

and 1 more thing

link to us 1 streamer has all his aspects fully upgraded

just 1

i am waiting sir

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Having all aspects fully upgraded isn’t exactly a season requirement though.
If thats a personal goal of yours, thats your buisness, but its not something most people bother with, its more of a eternal goal if anything.
Maxing out all aspects within a 3 month season is a pretty ambitious goal to set for yourself, you can’t expect the game to cater to something like that.


First . You say … whatever you talking about??

Now . Season reguiremnt ??
Lol i got it now …

You just a normal D4 player … and know nothing about the end game and the gol ( finsh all content provided by the game ) pit-150 is the high one for me
I can see that … you just don in 2 weeks ? You not evan think about the high lvl pit … got it now
I got it bro

Ok just keep doing what you doing
But do not talk about things that you do not understand at all … :wink:

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You don’t need all aspects maxed out to run pit 150 either. This is a arbitrary personal goal you set for yourself, and then proceed to blame the game for not making that goal within a limited time frame.
But whatever, I can tell you think very little of me, and my words are of no meaning to you, so I won’t waste another breath.
Better luck next season.


Its not ambitious, every other season it was done quite easy… people like to complete their character to the max.Should not have to play eternal to do this…You like to complete in 2 weeks so you can troll the forums by the look of number of posts you make

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