The state of D4 vesse of hatred

There is still not much end game stuff to do.

I see no point in having to do the pit, to level Glyphs and nightmare dungeons to get Obducite to lvl your items.

Why not combine Glyphs and Obducite in nightmare dungeons and just make nightmare dungeons scale indefinitely just like the pit does?
then you do two for one, at the end of the nightmare dungeon you upgrade your Glyphs (reward for killing the dungeon boss) and while you clear the nightmare dungeon you get Obducite.

Another issue I have is that there is no point to Infernal hordes as well, its super lame, once again just a repetition of what already happens in nightmare dungeons with events, where you fight waves of enemies… and its pretty much a hell tide inside of a round building.

The underground city is also yet another repetitive event, I see no point in it. I guess the goal is for better items drops, but why not just combine that with nightmare dungeons?
and why not just drop better items randomly in dungeons and out in the open world.

The citadel is okay, and I feel is the only worthy end game activity to add.

I feel that there is way too much repetition in D4 at this stage.

Combine Nightmare dungeons and the Pit. (give us Obducite and Glyphs XP in one event, make nightmare dungeon scale indefinitely)

Get rid of Underground city and infernal hordes)

Make nightmare dungeons more interesting, with more different dungeons bosses and
different events inside of them, freeing prisoners the whole time is lame, maybe make different levels in each dungeon, perhaps randomly generated dungeons.

Also, i am a hardcore player, why was the ruby gems nerfed? it’s essential for a hardcore play to have lots of Health, this is much harder to accomplish now as bosses such as Lilith hits hard and sometimes one shot or just about takes your life to 10 %, my druid use to have close to 100 k health and not its like down to 10 k. Please fix this mode for HC players.

because if there was only nightmare dungeons which btw is the most hated content in the endgame to most people. the game would be super boring with only 1 thing to do. with the world crying out for more content to do in the endgame i hope to god blizzard dont take your advice and condense it all into 1 singular boring dungeon. sure it will pay really welll but would be so boring to play the game i wont care. if they did this i and millions other would quit the game instantly.

Hoards is widly seen as the most fun content in the game…
undercity is brand new and many seem to be enjoying it so far. i dont mind it i just rarly get a tribute worth running it.

the ruby was nerfed because it was too easy to get 50-100k life making surviving not even a challenge. many still play HC including myself and dont feel i need the gems at all. if you need them you need a better build or just get better at triggering your builds defence.

The endgame is so much better now. What an awful take to get rid of all the variation again.

And no, I really enjoy the slower pace of NMD. But I only can enjoy it, because there is another option which is blasting in the pit or horde. Tho it is strange that they got rid of NMD tiers.

I hope we see much more endgame modes added to the game. Like a Boss Rush mode.
But that NMD and Undercity is available from lvl 1 on alts already adds alot of endgame to just mess with other classes without having to dread with low density stuff. I don´t see how NMD and Undercity are feeling like the same. I mean yes you play an ARPG - every mode will be about killing stuff.

So what you are really saying is that there is plenty of stuff to do, but you dont like doing repetitive things in a game that by nature is repetitive. Maybe its not the game, but you? Not every game is for everyone, nothing wrong with that.
Dont get me wrong, i have my issues with this expansion aswell, mainly story and balance related, but the endgame is vastly improved over how it was a year ago.

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endgame is now good
I like it cause now it has some logic in it and you know where you want to go and what you want to do to progress your character
I think if you don’t like grindy and repetitive games
arpg is not for you at all
people don’t play poe for that same reason cause it is grind and opnly thing you do is MAPS and bosses and stuff in maps :smiley:

This is my problem. I basically see the game as nothing more than a shallow grind loop that is not just unfun but an insult to human intelligence and a mockery to the preciousness of life itself! I think, ‘how the hell can anyone find this nonsense fun?’ At it’s core and I can’t accept it. I can’t accept that people play it and haven’t rejected it wholly in favour of an actual experience with depth and creativity. It’s frustrating. Yes, it is a me problem. I think I need to learn to let go, but as I said it is frustrating and I can see where modern gaming is headed and it isn’t pretty given that this nonsense hasn’t been utterly denounced.

Thats a little harsh dont you think? People like different things. I could never imagine myself watching a football game on tv, but i dont discredit its value to others, just because i dont like it. If you dont like something, its ok to just walk away. Live and let live.
People are so negative about everything these days, they’d be a lot happier if they spent their energy on things they enjoy instead of wallowing in their own self-chosen misery.

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you are aware that Obducite drops from infernal horde now?

R O F L.
Go play wow if your that unhappy.

First time too the Diablo series ? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
I mean we killed and farmed Sanctuary millions of times, before Baal came along.

The number crunch was announced! :man_facepalming:

Biggest income of Obducite.
But I guess you wanna go slow and get 20 Obducite every nm dungeon! :man_facepalming:

So your 100% on everything? :rofl: :1st_place_medal: