coulple of suggestions for IH i think could be fun
- chance to extend the wave’s with xx sec
- change to add an additional wave.
- Leader board for collected aether
- uniqe infernal horde compass, you get 10 choices that you want instead of random (not saved to leaderboard)
And add a endless mode, not for rewards, just for fun, to see how far you can take it.
They should have leaderboards like in D3 where every activity you do is ranked.
Class leaderboards on top of that
This would work if the challenge progressed per wave, instead of being locked into tier 4, ( 65 equivalent)
Great ideas!
The infernal hordes can be even more funnier. It has potential.
i agree… takes too long, running around for those events its annoying, and again… another event where i have to gather sort of cinders… just give us sort of Abyss / hell hole where we go and farm there as much as we like, and have normal loot drops like anywhere else… just density should be 1000 x higher…
don’t like fight’s like this i am more a dungeon man i just like linear fights were you go from point A to B and so on but ppl who like timed stuff and leather board’s will like it same whit the new dungeon’s whit a timer hardly did them its just not my thing but if it’s yours go for it.