Uber Upgrade salvage no working

I just tried the new Uber upgrade. Took one spare Andariels Visage to the Blacksmith and salvaged as per the instructions. I got no resplendent spark in return. I tried again in the Eternal realm but with the same result. Is there a different way to salvage uniques? or is this a bug. I am now 2 Ubers down so any help would be appreciated. (any chance that Blizzard will return them?)


i salvaged 7 uniques and got none of the new materials so is not just you getting it. i assume its just a chance for them to drop not certain drop when you deconstruct uniques

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Same, same, same and same again. Yes, waste items on a none working aspect. Sad and more.

You must salvage UBER unique not normal ones.
If you have Ubers just keep them.

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