Understanding lucky hit chance

As i see it:

24% lucky hit chance (char sheet)
5% on skill

So this means; 24% chance to get a lucky hit, then i have a 5% chance to roll the lucky hit from the skill.

Due to i see lots of people saying it multiplies, 5% + (24% of 5%) = ± 6.2% chance.

But i see it as 1 on 4 hits basically is a lucky hit chance, then you have a 5% chance to roll the skills lucky effect.

Am i correct?

I think its like:
You have 10% lucky hit to slow enemy
Your skill have 50% lucky hit

So you have 10% from 50% to lucky hit (its 5% chance to slow enemy)

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The lucky hit from your character sheet is your bonus to lucky hit chance. The lucky hit chance is different for all skills, the skill will tell you the updated lucky hit chance based on the bonus from your character sheet. But you will need to select show advanced tooltips in the options menu to see it.

Then you don’t even have to look so often at the lucky hit bonus since the bonus is applied already on the skill tooltip. Then after that you have a pool of lots potential lucky hit effects and their chances (some with conditions like frozen enemies etc). You can get multiple lucky hits on the same hit if it is different effects.

Some skills have a tooltip that shows lucky hit for the entire skill per enemy hit with it, some skills show a lucky hit for each individual damage portion that it causes such as ice shards.

So if the skill tooltip says 25% lucky hit chance. and you have a 10% chance to slow on a lucky hit, its 2,5% chance to slow per hit with that skill.


With 0% lucky hit and 5% on skill, skill will happen once a while. So this destroys the theory of


because 0% of 5% = 0% meaning no chance at all.

So i think it’s actually like my second example:

This seems more in line with what i am experiencing

Every time you lucky hit you have an X% chance for the effect to happen

IE every time you score a lucky hit all your lucky hit chance effects will have a % chance to trigger, each effect will be rolled separately

The lucky hit chance stat increases the lucky hit chance of a skill by X % for example if the skill has a base 30% lucky hit chance and you have a 50% lucky hit chance stat the skill will have a 45% lucky hit chance

the video below explains it in detail.

on average yes but that’s an oversimplification.

Ok so it’s like what i said then:

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there are hints on the loading screens

Skills can trigger the effect of luck. If skill has a 50% chance of being lucky and an effect has a 20% chance to stun an enemy, that skill will stun the enemy 10% of the time on average.

Your char can have 0% chance to lucky hit, (you need only % effects on your char)

If char has 0% chance to lucky hit, lucky hit effect can happen, because your skill have chance to lucky hit.

Lucky hit chance, and lucky hit effect are two different things.

Your lucky hit chance on char boost your lucky hit chance on skill.

If you have 20% chance to stun with LH (its effect)
+0% chance to lucky hit from %LH skill + 5% chance to lucky hit from skill is:
20% effect from 5% chance = 1% to stun

+10% chance to lucky hit from %LH skill + 5 % chance to lucky hit from skill is:
10% from 5 + 5% = 0,5 + 5 = 5,5% chance lucky hit from that skill
20% effect chance from 5,5 = 1,1% chance to stun

If it helps,i have 0 lucky hit chance bonus

But base lucky hit of 5% to get essence regen.

It procs all the time

Knowing blizzard,you can do calculations all you want,they are never accurate with their numbers.

most attack skills have their inherent lucky hit chance you can see when you hover over it.