Unplayable, what a joke

read the new stuff added in s4, figured lets try the game again as i havent played since a month after launch.

Install game, get to menu, press escape to lower settings, game crashes, do this twice more, game crashes both times.
Reinstall, get to menu, press escape to lower settings, game crashes, do this twice more, game crashes both times.
Sigh at how much of a letdown this game is and how pathetic blizzard has become as a company.
Uninstall battle.net


Game is unplayable. All teleporting, openings menus takes forever and disconnect. Servers are so bad currently and I guess that problem is not client side so reinstall not help. But Yes. Have to change the game.


Had the same. Updating Nvidia drivers worked for me.

Well now i’m not even getting past the logging screen :frowning:


Yeah. It´s so annoying. Middle of Maiden fight. Disconnect. Etc. Today is really bad at least for me. Every 10-15minutes gameplay the same issue. :frowning:

Usually had several disconnects since start of season. But, today, I’m unable to do anything; disconnects and crash to Windows at random, sometimes even can’t enter game. Horrible. And when I imagine I’m one of those customers that buys stuff… well, guess my money will go elsewhere.

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Same here, not able to enter the Game, error 3000001

not a single error at all, i keep my drivers updated etc. no disconnects or stuck screen

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