Welcome Back Booster forced auto-track... please fix!

Having come back to the game recently to complete the rest of the side quests I missed, I’ve found that the welcome back booster quest is forced as a priority quest and you can’t avoid it, even though I don’t want to redeem it. The boost is of course appealing to many players, but I get satisfaction out of exploring the map and what the game has to offer and redeeming it would take away what I enjoy in the game.

Now, this isn’t a case of ignoring the boost, which I would happily do if it acted like any other quest, but this ‘quest’ is forced upon all players - It deletes any existing waypoints I’ve created, the current tracked quest and reinserts itself as the tracked quest each and every time you rejoin the game, teleport, or even just walk between areas in Diablo 4. This seems like a bug to me, and I’ve seen people complaining about it for months.

As for potential solutions, I’ve heard people suggest disabling auto-pin for the quest, but that does nothing and the quest still auto-tracks (blizzard please fix!).
I’ve also heard people suggest redeeming the boost on a new character and then deleting it, but that will still automatically find all altars of lilith, which I really enjoy finding on my travels. In fact the whole point of them when they were added was that they were things to find while adventuring the map, and now they’re forcing me to lose that excitement!? (at least I find it exciting!!)

It has really started to bug me. I don’t want to rush to the endgame because my enjoyment is in the quests and exploration. But this ‘feature’ makes it almost impossible to complete any side quests as in the typical process of travelling to a quest, following the npc, teleporting to town to salvage loot, teleporting back to complete the quest, etc… I end up having to reset which quest I’m tracking about ten times for each side quest I complete! It’s almost unbearable!

I realise as a casual player I’m a minority in this opinion, and to most people my concern is pointless, but I don’t see why Blizzard can’t make this boost a CHOICE or actually make the disable auto-pin WORK for this quest! I don’t want it forced down my throat, and by fixing this bug, people who want to redeem the boost and us who would rather not would both be happy!

Also when I saw the pop-up about it ingame, it said “for a limited time…” - is this boost actually limited time? if so I’ll just wait for the offer to end and then come back to the game.