What happened to the store rotation? Is it based on sales?

Just a mild observation… the first time i took the store seriously was when envious lust was released. I even bought it. Still having the stamina for another skimpy outfit or a mount, i have been checking the store every day… and at least for mine its been odd.

The store was updating to fomo levels every day (which was great, because i didn’t want any of the stuff anyway). Then they released the crappy rogue outfit, then a few days later the updates have completely stalled, ie, there’s no point checking every day anymore.

Was the rouge outfit a rushed scramble? Maybe alot of people bought the sorc outfit? Now they’re stuck with the remaining 3 classes with unattractive body types (and are literally going broke from being woke?).

Well i think i can buy maybe one more really good outfit before my brain triggers that blizzard haven’t done enough to earn any more bonus money… but we’re back to nothing appealing again. Its even worse for horses because i don’t want an erotic horse, so the quality of the armor needs to be extremely high to justify that price. None have qualified so far. I like the lantern from the chinese one, but the armor is below mid not double s tier (like its price).

Also randomly… noticed the game is still 25% off. Its hilarious to watch these megacorps push their greed thinking they’re amazing, but then keeping around discounts because they’re finally selling the game at a fair launch price and probably selling more millions.