When are we going to get Diablo (the boss) in the game?

Hello everybody.

Lilith is the main antagonist in the game but my question is - are there any plans to actually introduce Diablo (the boss) as well ?

I mean, seriously, it’s him who bares the games name and tells you that - “Not even death can save you from me”.

Signed, an old school Diablo player.

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Well, if they are gonna go through on their plans of yearly expansions, its only a matter of time. I expect we will see both Diablo and Baal sooner or later.
Lilith is the main antagonist in the base game, and unless they bring her back somehow, her part is done. We will get a new antagonist, presumably Mephisto, in VoH.

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You unlock Diablo as a boss when we realize how to prove Lorath is Mephisto.

This is not a joke, in the prologue lorath’s shack houses a demonic skull similar to Diablo.

In Diablo immortal A demon named Skarn found out you can trap any demon from respawning by binding their power to one of their host skulls and drawing power from it.

By Diablo 4 I think mephisto has trapped Diablo and is siphoning his and Baal’s energy. I think this is due to Diablo’s black soul stone not being part of mephisto’s plan.

Diablo double crossed mephisto with the black soul stone move. I think in Diablo 4 mephisto has paid that betrayal back.

I’m fairly confident Lorath Nar is Mephisto in disguise. He lacks the character traits you’d expect from the real Lorath.

Lorath is also notably consumed by the demonic nightmares as Marius was before him and Deckard before him. When lorath remembers these nightmares he does so somewhat joyfully.

Personally I believe there is a secret campaign quest. I believe it starts in prologue. I believe it involves the prologue cellar and the prologue greed shrine and the prologue inarius statue before you go to kyovashad.

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Diablo is old and already retired, the name “Diablo” is for sales not for actual fighting Diablo in the game