Will bows be buffed?

Heya all

I like the bow game play with a quicker weapon that also looks better more then the crossbow one.

But does anyone have any idea if they will either buff bows or nerf crossbows?

Right now since vulnerable damage is meta crossbows just flat outperform bows drasticly…

Anyone got any info at all?


Wondering the same, just selling wvry bows without even looking at them🤷🏻‍♂️

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Xbows look horrible…
Tried a Windforce rapid fire build, but it’s just not the same.
Pen Shot xbow nuke is way stronger :frowning:
Windforce used to be Uber and bows aswolken but this is just sad now

They did nerf crossbows. They killed vulnerable damage. Main reason for using one. You may even fare better with bows by adopting a kiting playstyle. I am going to switch to a bow as soon as I find a decent one.

All they need is to change the built-in stat to crit, chance or damage. Now bow is trending.