1,000 Year Bans

what happens to you Blizard!!! and me who believe you were from the land of the free home of the brave :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: but i guess blizzard is not so brave


I sometimes wonder if the world would be a better place if I was the only human being alive.

Would certainly have none of this nonsense.

I just wanted to say that I think it’s great that a lot of e-sport individuals are also showing support for the pro-democracy Hong Kong demonstrations.


If you were the only hunan alive you would get eaten alive pretty soon :slight_smile:

if you have some time to kill I suggest you read “I am legend”. it’s a great book and it deals with this topic (even though there are zombies. don’t know if they count as human).

whatever you do, just don’t watch the movie. that is horrible and an insult to the book.


Dude what the hell is your problem? It’s a simple discussion we are having.


Would that make you the Idiot Abroad? (Not insulting, it’s a reference I think he’ll understand… I hope)

Well one would be the smartest strongest fastest dumbest slowest and most weak person on the planet :slight_smile:

Is this another alt account to aprove with the ranters?

My problem is that that the forums have been taken away by randoms who violate the code of conduct and the moderators seem to have gone to sleep. “Search for threads on the subject you want to talk about before making a new post on the subject”. All the posts lately have been about your revolution wanna-be, and you know what? nobody cares about Hong Kong, nobody who could do something about it at least, blizzard has no obligations, if you want to talk politics go to your relatives get drunk and talk about the jews or smth

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Blizzard. Could you please remove both your arms out of the Chinese rabbit hole and fix the hero 1000 wins portrait bugs? (I’m unable to pick them)

Hmmm so what about the jews? So what’s are your problems with them? are they also f***ing up your forum to? and here I thought you just want to enjoy your game, sorry bro I didn’t know :broken_heart::broken_heart:

No man, I said if youwant to get political go meet your relatives, get drunk and talk about the jews, cause that’s what I saw stupid people do :roll_eyes:

These people jump to conclusions faster than a frog wearing a tinfoil hat and has consumed 4 gallons of Monster energy drink in one sitting. BOING. :frog:

What do you mean by values? Who said the Hong Kong party is right, because you act like it is by default and I’m sure you just saw peaceful protests at first and went “I like them, go democracy, I’m with the people” and then dismissed everything else you even saw/heard of on the subject and like so now you can say blizz is evil for not standing up for the people of Hong Kong, and if they don’t they must be supporting China, right? Cause there can never be any neutrality


I don’t write about China.

Statement from Blizzard:

“[…]we have core values that apply here: Think Globally; Lead Responsibly; and importantly, Every Voice Matters”.

And that “importantly” value is most “importantly” broke.

Human Rights are neither “opinion” or “political”. It’s you right to speak, and Blizzard can’t take it from you. If they say “Just limit yourself to game” they limit you rights.


This guy was free to participate and accept the terms and conditions

It was his free will to do so.

That doesnt mean you still can do whatever you want whenever it fits you.

He earned the opportunity to participate in an exclusive tournament and had the oppertunity to earn a good amount of money but he still has to act acording to the rules and terms and conditions.


Except you are pretending here that Blizzard actually said “just limit yourself to game”. They didn’t.
They said “here, in our shop, limit yourself to game”.

If you go to your local supermarket, put a soapbox in the middle of the vegetables isle, and start sharing your opinions of religion, politics, climate, human rights, or basically anything not related to wanting to know where the vinegar is after the last redecoration, the shop owner will very soon tell you to either shut up and do your groceries, or leave the store.
That’s not limitation of freedom of speech. As soon as you are off of his property and on public terrain, you are totally free to continue your speech and he won’t give a bit.

Blizzard’s action is comparable to the shop owner telling you “hey kid, I see what you do but do it somewhere else, not here. people are trying to shop here.”

Hey Blizzard. It looks like the guy is still banned. Is that your kind of “standard” you were talking about on stage? Human right do not seem standard at all to you. Still you did not live up to your own standards.

Can you address exactly the thing you are sorry for?

The on stage “excuse” is a well constructed piece of garbage.

TheMilkman seems appropriate, you seem to be stuck in the past. Get over it.