29.2.2 Patch Notes

29.2.2 Patch Notes

Patch 29.2.2 brings huge balance updates to Standard, Wild, and Battlegrounds.

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So there is now nothing that can counter a Brann warrior, so they can just terrorize the ladder unimpeded. Great, thanks. The ONE change that didn’t need to be made. Reno, OK I get changing but Brann & all other highlander cards? Just ridiculous. Absolutely guts DK.

Wait, I thought changing the Battlecry to “at the start of the game” made it better for everyone else facing this scenario.

They nerfed other cards around Deepminer Brann, which should make a difference. Sunset Volley has been moved to 9 mana which makes the tentacles worse.

Boomboss now shuffles bombs into the opponent’s deck, which means Warrior can’t draw them by force.

You really made highlander cards forcing you to not have a single duplicate in your deck before the game and label it as “Stronger”? Just because 1 class has 1 legendary card that’s not even played in half of the games because you can’t draw it deterministically and many times when it’s played the other side’s highlander cards are already out?
That’s like nerf in 98% of games and buff in 2% and you somehow averaged that as “stronger”… wth

What am I missing? Just faced a Warrior that played Reno and got the Battlecry effect even though he had duplicates in the deck and played them on numerous occasions.

Dk:s reshuffeling plagues into my deck after they drawn, which makes it impossible to outlive. One game a coupple of days ago i got 7 plagues drawn + 1 fatigue dmg then the 7 plagues jumped back into the deck and was drawn untill i died of over 20 dmg in just milling dmg.

All the highlander cards now are conditioned by you not having any duplicates at the start of the game. It doesn’t matter if duplicates are shuffled in later.

Yeah but the dupes played weren’t added in later. Like Burrow Buster was played twice, both times from the hand.

its not enough you morons. more nerfs. many cards are still too strong. nerf them or ill stuff your throats with snake oil.

Yeah the “balance” has does nothing to Highlander Warrior. Still. The. Same. Old. Shiz. Brann into Reno into triple Zilliax → GaMe OvEr.