29.6 Patch Notes

29.6 Patch Notes

Get packed for Hearthstone’s next expansion: Perils in Paradise!

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" Matchmaking Update

Previously, matchmaking on the ranked ladder was based on your internal rating (commonly called “MMR”) while you had bonus stars and based on ladder rank after you ran out of bonus stars. Now, matchmaking will continue to be based on your internal rating even after you run out of bonus stars. This change should reduce matchmaking complexity and result in more consistent and fairer matches throughout the ladder."

I have big hopes for this change because I get fair matches usually until my bonus stars hold… after that, everything changes… seems like the game is fully turning against me with all of it’s mechanics when run out of bonus stars. I was not upset because I lost a match… because losing is part of the game… I was upset when I lost a match where I had no chance to win at all… and even get 2-3 more in one row… THIS is the part when I leave the game for the day… because a game should be entertaining… and this is frustrating, not fun when that happens… I feel my time was waisted… and time is the most valuable thing in life.