3x 12 cost minions on board by turn 5? Conjurer's Calling needs nerf

You can argue it all you want but it still doesn’t change the fact that it’s a tier 3 deck…you’re arguing about a tier 3 deck being OP…what do you consider the tier 1 decks to be???

for chirst sake!!+

just shut it both of you

the thread is allready completely usless now

if you have that problem that YOU TWO have different points of few then solve it in privacy

we had this once last year and both guys talked in chat OUTSIDE the forum and cleared their points

so if you chat to each other so you can respond imeatedly the conversation takes a different route! thats in the nature of conversations belive me!

so pls solve your missunderstandings and different points somewhere else

at this point there wont be a winner but 2 guys who lost in the eyes of the other

pls be rational


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Gonna toss in my two cents.

This deck certainly can be extremely strong if it gets out of control. If you don’t take care of that mountain giant right on the round it is summoned, you are (potentially) in a very tricky situation. The twinspell mechanic (which I personally find to be very questionable. Would rather not have it in the game if it was up to me) may be the most problematic thing in this and other new decks (token druid).
If you take care of the khadgars mage plan to flood the board with lvl 12 minions, then you are in a good spot usually and winning is much more seizable as this is the main power source in that deck.

Now, how to go about it? How to deal with this thing?

  1. Aggro. Probably token druid or zoolock or even tempo rogue are favourable match ups. With an ideal draw you can finish the game before round 6.
  2. Control/hard removal. Assassinate (rogue), deadly shot (hunter) to name a few options.

I imagine bomb warriors have a hard time without sufficient armor gain for shield slam and lack of execute.

@bilbo: Have you tried token druid against mage?

LOL too bad it´s not that easy but it certainly made me laugh

Well its basicly true if you simplify it.

I played and won with combo aggro and controll against this deck.

Ofc not every game but im happy with what i could do

The most important thing is to manage your resources propperly.

you guys really want me to make a control deck of myself, don’t you?

That depends? Can the Sheercold Control Deck beat this mage deck he’s crying about so he’ll shut up? :stuck_out_tongue:

The Sheercold control deck can do whatever he sets his mind to man.
His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy
There’s vomit on his sweater already, mom’s spaghetti
He’s nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready
To drop bombs, but he keeps on forgettin’

no, but really, summoner mage is real scary, especially since it almost always beats control decks and loses turn 5 against aggro, new quest rogue.
anyhow, a control mage or maybe shaman made specifically to counter summoner mage could do the trick. Imagine, you run double archivist and maybe a spellbender/counterspell if you have to, the multiple mage removals that aren’t good enough to beat rogue and druid, some late game greed and damn, control mage can’t work.
Shaman…you run all the …well the lists at the worlds looked damn fine and could beat amge
Priest might have a wall build and inner fire as finisher, too bad it loses to token druid especially and I think tempo rogue too
control paladin would also be sketchy, you have no win condition against control and even the 1/3 that reshuffles into the deck upon death isn’t good anymore, without steed
I’ll try… meh…maybe

truth be told that deck really is annoying and can do virtually anything, e.g. i have 0:6 with token druid against it just cause they drew all early game and stopped my early game.

it´s also best performing deck from worlds btw…

but it doesn´t feel that OP it needs to be crazy lucky on the draw to beat aggro and even against other decks it always needs to combine multiple cards together which isn´t that easy though having more time certainly helps.

I personally think that warr hero card or 4 mana rogue weapon are much more suited for nerf.