8000 th Paladin win reached :D

Funny thing is, when I have returned to the game about 3 years ago it was about 480 wins… I have dusted all my old cards to start build a deck and chosed Paladin to master. I was really happy when reached 500, 1000 Paladin wins for the golden hero portrait… and after that just played my own decks… today I hit 8000 :smiley: I am not even dare to think how many lose may I have… atleast twice I think. xD

h t t p s ://ibb.co/7bQQ2TD


Well done, man! Congratulations! I haven’t come anywhere near as close with any class, though most of my wins are in the thousands.

I’ve checked my stats.
It goes like this:

Mage-4356 Wins
Rogue-3822 Wins
Hunter-3293 Wins
Warrior-2410 Wins
Warlock-2128 Wins
Paladin-2049 Wins
Priest-1691 Wins
Druid-1580 Wins
Shaman-1429 Wins
Death Knight-396 Wins
Demon Hunter- 553 Wins

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Thank you, your results are just as great since you are playing more then one class, I play only Paladin. :slight_smile:

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Please don’t post your stats until they are worthy.

You don’t get to decide who’s stats are worthy, ElderNoob.

Listen son. I was wearing an army uniform long before your mommy and daddy met at a Taylor swift concert.

I bled for my country long before your parents bbm’d each other to meet at McDonald’s to criticize those who served.

I know when stats are worthy.

I don’t know what’s worth what to whom; we all have our own scale of worth for everything.

The original poster wanted to talk about the number of victories he’s achieved, and I just wanted to post a comparison.
We’re not measuring prowess here, just comparing numbers.

May the algorithm be with you, ElderNoob. Or whatever it is that you believe.

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Please calm down, I just found it interesting to see my win reached 8000 while my goal was to reach 500 when returned. :slight_smile: I am just enjoying to build my own decks and reach my success with them. I am nearly 40 years old and having fun in my own way. Let everyone enjoy the game how they like. :wink: I chosed Paladin class to master and not because I believed it was the strongest or anything… I choosed it because I liked it’s concept. I was a Paladin tank in Wow for 7 years too. :slight_smile: Just play and try to have fun guys. His results are just as worthy I think because he played more classes and together these numbers… are really big enough too I think. :slight_smile: