Duels Runs Coming to an End

Duels Runs Coming to an End

An important Modes update as we near the end of our Duels run.

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Good call Blizzard. This mode should have been PvE from the start. Being forced to play the top meta decks to even have a chance was forever dooming this mode. Dungeon Runs were super popular and this mode expanded on that greatly but you had to go and make it a toxic PvP environment.


Welp there goes the last reason I had to play this game.

Can’t believe this goes before arenas do lmfao

Game is handled by absolute neanderthals


Ignore Eleveneleven who clearly doesn’t understand that this being PvP didn’t take any design space away from PvE.

This is a huge disappointment and terrifies me of the direction HS is going. This was an incredibly fun and rewarding mode that I discovered during the month long window in December '22 and January '23 where the only deck you had in Competitive was Masquerade Rogue. This mode, without question, is why I did not quit playing the game and is absolutely responsible for me purchasing both bundles of every expansion this year.

So I feel pretty damn betrayed here. Probably about as betrayed as Twist players feel, as our brethren in a Mode that needed the one thing apparently solely reserved for Standard: Effort.

There were zero Duels Events to publicize the mode. I don’t think there has been so much as a Tweet about it officially, at least since I returned last November. And it is firmly a failure of the team to have not correctly monetized this with various cosmetics.

At least leave Arena’s much more fun younger sibling in the damn game and at most take some of the small indie dev money and put it into this game mode that is only dying because you all left it out to die.


This is so sad. By far the most fun game mode with the most broken combinations, even if you had to wait your turn to get them! the mode has a small but very loyal fanbase and you were barely updating it so could have just frozen the game mode so we don’t stop playing the game entirely…


So does this mean the wild bots problem will be addressed? Or how about twist being playable and updated? Maybe new solo content?

I get a feeling the answer to all of this will be disappointing but not surprising…


You took away my desire to play constructed when you murdered the competitive scene. All I really still wanted was to play duels and piddle around in other modes. Without duels, I’m done. I’m just going to play Magic again, where at least they support formats that people still play.


This is just really disappointing news to hear today. I have had no inclination to play wild which was my other main mode for a time, duels had been the only mode that’s satisfied a fun level of play for me, wild is so infested with bots that’s it’s near unplayable and I just don’t have an appeal to standard, I don’t know what I’ll do without this mode


What a foolish move… Duels has potential to be one of the most popular AND PROFITABLE game modes in HS. You will lose a number of players who only play this mode-- and the profit from buying cards to play it.

Duels decks require a handful of legendaries from older sets that otherwise wouldn’t be bought.



did google purchase blizzard?


Well, as someone considered a “whale” by most, i think this is the end of Hearthstone for me. The removal of the ability to play my favorite mode from my once favorite game just makes me feel that the ship is sinking, and I don’t think I can justify trying to stay on board. Maybe if the decision makers had tried putting any effort into it duels could have stayed, but they gave it the bare minimum. I’m out


Do not close Duels! Close your Twist.


Are you joking…? I am so angry right now. Perhaps if you put more effort into it and made some cosmetics it would have been more popular.

Even with duel fans being given nothing for years, it’s still more loved than the failed Twist format. It still took less effort to create and maintain than the hated disaster that is Mercenaries. It’s still got something more to it than snooze-fest Arena. WHY would you just delete it all? It takes so little effort. So so disappointed.


Really disappointing.
Some of the most fun I’ve had has been in this game mode, and it was a constructed alternative to arena.
Imagine what duels could have been if the resources wasted on other gamemodes/other mobile projects had been invested here.


Blizzard killing fun since the beginning of time. Let’s see how much good it is for them to sell s*** expansions without players.


Duels was the only mode that kept me coming back to the game every time i quit. Even got me into playing standard quite often, when it introduced me to cool new cards. For a long time now, Duels has been the main reason why i kept expanding my collection. Without it, next time i stop playing will probably be my last.

Even with the VERY minimal developer support duels has recieved for the last long while, the community has kept strong, and kept innovating new fun crazy decks to play. Shame that they can’t even afford our 1 intern anymore.
(and don’t give me that corporate response of “Oooh buckets and nerfs take too much time”, the buckets could easily be randomly generated, and the balance team has given BAREBONES at best the last few years.)



Writing is on the wall for hearthstone. Game dead by end of year. Pure business suicide, into the trash with the rest of Blizzard IP’s that they’ve shat on one by one.


Funny only a few comments on here about this only goes to show the mode itself is not that popular , as some one said Duals has a SMALL!!! but maybe dedicated following and as is the case Blizz see this and decide to bin the mode , cant say I’m unhappy about this as I’ve personally found mode severely toxic and very frustrating

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blizzard staff-wide lobotomies going well I see. Uninstalling and not coming back


What an absolutely massive bummer. I often migrate over to duels pretty much as soon as the shine wears off of new standard cards… this latest set I only played standard for like a week before going back to duels. As someone who’s played since beta, the only way I REALLY have fun anymore is duels. I’m not going to quit HS, and I stopped putting money into this game a looooooong time ago when the writing was on the wall… but I guarantee I will spend a LOT less time playing HS.