Duels Runs Coming to an End

obviously we’ll never see the dust back that we spent crafting all the legendaries that see 0 play in wild/standard for our duels decks.

Thanks for that. Wont spend a dollar on this game going forward.


Since duels was released, I have spent enough money to have a complete standard collection where most of it is even golden+. Standard alone is not enough for me to justify spending ~$150 a release for only a handful of decent cards. I love playing janky stuff and it allows me to thrive in that mindset for duels. I full on intend to not spend anymore money at all as well as completely uninstall when the removal does happen in a few months. It’s a shame and will be an end of an era.


I was extremely into hearthstone around when it came out, and I quit shortly after. I began playing again in 2020, with renewed interest thanks to Adventures, the new roguelite mode, and fell in love with Duels. I’ve bought every tavern pass since Murder at Castle Nathria, and every coin I get goes into playing heroic Duels. I’m pretty bad at it, and rarely win, but I don’t care, because the mode has always been so fun that it doesn’t matter to me. Every time a new expansion is released, I’m immediately stoked to find out how it’ll play in Duels.

With the removal of Duels, my reason for playing Hearthstone is basically gone. I seriously urge you to reconsider removing the best game mode, because there’s really nothing like it. There aren’t many PVP deck-building games. I understand not wanting to update or balance it anymore, but at least leave it as an option to play. I can’t imagine the server costs aren’t paid for by people playing.


Please reconsider. I’ve spent hundreds on this game and I’ve loved it the last 10 years, this mode is by far the best thing you guys ever did and the day it goes is the day I uninstall sadly.


First post on the battle.net forum period just to come out and say–please don’t delete this gamemode. There truly is nothing else like it and it’s pretty much where I spend all of my gold.

If duels is removed, I’m not going to be playing Hearthstone anymore. There’s so much potential with this mode. It doesn’t need to be balanced. It probably needed a slight rework, but you can’t even have one designer sit down and try and rework the mode? Spin it into something new? Make it a bit less hard to design around?

I would completely be down for a streamlined ‘new’ duels with the chaff cut and some reworked signature cards. I don’t see why it has to be this way, as you guys have many options.

Please reconsider.


Same here.
I spent hundreds on this game in the past, but I think I’m done if they delete duels.
Might still play on occasion, but the spending will be done.


I am both gutted and dismayed. I only play Hearthstone because of Duels, I buy the packs at every expansion just to play Duels and haven’t played standard, or any other mode for years now. Surely Blizzard knows there are players like me that buy packs to play Duels and not standard. I feel cheated out of my commitment and cheated out of my money as I’ll never get enjoyment from the game again


I’ve been playing heartstone since blackrock and for the past couple of years duels was the only good and fun thing actually worth spending money on. Might as well delete Hearthstone after April.


I’ve been playing since un’goro. Dueling is the best thing that has happened to me in hs. For the last 1-2 years, I have only played in this mode. If this mode is removed, then I definitely won’t be logging into hearthstone anymore. It’s strange that blizzard makes such decisions, if they needed more money for support, they could do: 1) skins for heroes in duels, 2) make more heroes pay when choosing, 3) sell sets of cards with current decks for duels.


It’s sad that Duels is ending. I guess they’re judging by popularity, but maybe they’re also cutting costs for a mode that’ s not earning them money, and requires maintaining separate servers.

I play all modes equally, so it won’t impact me as much. Let’s hope that Arena gets some Duels treatment.

How about giving you treasures after every win in Arena, or starting your run with a signature treasure?

I’ve probably used a couple of thousands of my currency on Duels. The only mode I really played.

Thank you Heartstone for removing it. Now I have a reason to stop playing completely. Saves me time and money.

  • Slow Clap *

Such a great mode and brought me back to HS after quitting, it was the only thing keeping me on HS. I’m shocked that more people play arena than duels. Aren’t we paying by putting currency into the duel???


Arena plays somewhat like Duels right now with the treasure pick and the legendary at the start.
it’s also a new Arena season, with new card sets so why not enjoy what’s on offer?

Crazy been playing this game for 10 years and duels was the only thing keeping me in it. Man Blizzards doin what they do best and that’s alienating, inconveniencing & ignoring a huge portion of their player base. Sad duels is leaving but I’m happy I can uninstall this game without a second thought now. Blizzards all around lack of effort in updating the mode or releasing new content/cosmetics for it is the only reason it truly failed. Most recent example is how y’all took 2+weeks to toss the tram operator combo and instead of adjusting the cards you disabled the potion treasure. I know a lot of other people definitely would’ve been willing to purchase packs for cards you can only use in duels or some cool cosmetics. But no, as someone who’s loyally played the mode y’all rarely released anything that would’ve enabled it to survive. (I can’t say never because the dual class heros added so much fun to the mode brann bronzebeard reno etc)) but hey y’all are concerned about the costs related to keeping it running, id be more concerned over the vast amount of your loyal playerbase and future potential purchases from players also plunging the games reputation down the sewer. I know personally after this I will never spend another cent on anything relating to Blizzard or any of its products and will discourage others from touching anything from blizzard knowing what kind of entity it’s coming from and how little y’all care for your player base.


This is the funniest, most enjoyable mode for me!
I even just made a post of my own pleading for y’all not to discontinue this wonderful mode…
If anything; just keep it as is, don’t put any more resources into balancing and stuff, just keep it…
This mode is almost the sole reason I still play this game.


Why??? Duels is the best thing in Hearthstone.


I cant belive that complate piese of poop rgn arena stays and duels are gone.One of d worst decisions that microsoft have made


I am a huge Duels-fan,… it is such a great mode, sad to see it go.
Arena, I do not like at all, here is a mess of cards, now play!
Duels you can specialize,… crazy combos,… well we will see what happens, been playing Hearthstone for close to 9 years now, 8 hours a day at least. Time for something new perhaps!!!


This Arena’s meta is great, definitely a lot more flexible than last season’s.

Every class is viable, and the Duels treasures are no longer in, which makes things feel more balanced.

Been playing HS since launch and duels was the only mode that kept me entertained, the sentiment that’s shared by many veteran HS players. Blizzard could’ve put it in maintenance mode and it would still have a thousand or few loyal fans that enjoy the crazy broken combos, but if spending 0.1% effort to keep the some of the oldest players happy is too much, then the game is rly not worth playing anymore. What a way to end my HS run, blizzard is dead