A game without answers can't be a good game

I feel the need to point out what the Devs seem to have completely forgotten:
“if you create a combo, a synergy or a WinCon, you must also create a counter for that”.

Because without a counter, an answer, a reply, it’s not longer a game but it’s just an awful experience.

It’s clear they can’t design cards since at least 3 years but this is genuinely a joke:

  • Dungar gets druid an impossible board by turn 4 and 5. By turn 4 there’s no answer, it simply doesn’t exist in standard. By turn 5, the only option is playing warrior, hard-running brawl AND have it in hand. Any other circumstances, classes, situations, you concede.
  • Hunter instakills you from hand with a rusher over 30 power and the ONLY answer is “don’t play minions”. I repeat, DON’T PLAY MINIONS. In a game based on playing minions. So, you die if you play, and you die if you don’t play. There’s no answer in the game for preventing that, unless a random Dirty Rat snipe + hard-removal in hand.
  • Odin instakills you by getting 100 armour. While getting 100 armour should already sound like bs, the fact it also kills you is cringe. Again, there’s no answer to that. One can’t “stifle” odin’s ability nor intervene when that happens.
  • Wheel of Death just kills you. It allows the player to stall and win by doing nothing, just stalling.

This is not just terrible design, this is torture. This is worse than what Disney did to Star Wars. If I was in charge, the entire dev team would have been fired on the spot.


I have to agree… this game is board based and using mana to play cards… if ANY of these are manipulated such disgusting way… that means the death of the game. There are serious card design problems here. It seems they are creating every last stupid idea they can just figure out without considering any consequences.

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There really needs to be a card that negates or disables “rest of game” effects.

You basically listed all the reasons for which I no longer invest any money in this game.

honestly the only time it might have been worth to invest money into the game was when hearthstone was still pretty new and somewhat balanced.

Its been overpowered meta after overpowered meta nearly every season for ages now. On top of that tons of microtransactions to milk the remaining whales