A proof that card draw is RIGGED

Just another rigged arena match…look how my opponent draws flamestrike at the perfect moment…and of course when he got 5 life points left …taunt taunt and taunt. Its just so lame haha.
hsreplay . net/replay/Y55i5KoLWrKs3VS3fb9sSR


what if the rest of his deck was full of taunts and flamestrikes?
just saying

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Well it can be. but how come he draws them when he needs them the most??? he didnt have any flamestrike or taunt minions till turn 7 so…

Well… the draft is obviously rigged.

Even if he had flamestrike until turn 7, you wouldn’t know because he couldn’t play it, right?

I don’t think the card drawing is rigged, it would be too obvious and people would notice that 100% of the players were losing. I like Sheercold’s idea better: the draft is rigged. All players get, on average, worse drafts.

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So ur actually saying that he won cuz he had a better deck? u can have a perfect deck i had many perfect decks on arena and still lost to bad decks and thats because the most important thing is having the right cards at the right moment and thats what happend with my opponent. its too easy to create an algorithm to manipulate win rate cuz hearthstone is all about numbers. and im not saying that only ur opponents can get “luckY” it can happen to u as well, i remember many times i had only 1 flamestrike or 1 charge minion/face damage in my deck and i drew them just in time to finish my opponent off. u cant deny that There’s something fishy going on here.

You’re absolutely right. What is happening right this very second is there is a room at Blizzard headquarters where they have millions of people watching every single game and manipulating card draw so that the right person is getting the right card at exactly the right time. Someone needs to stop this madness before it gets out of control!!!


No, I’m not saying that. You completely misunderstood me. I’m saying that everyone has worse decks.


Your comment is really stupid , read a lil about programing/algorithm and come back , thx :slight_smile:


To what end?

The draw order in this game was obviously very lucky for you opponent…even if both taunts would have actually been much luckier to play on curve at 4 and 6 respectively but statistically that should happen from time to time. No idea how lucky they were without seeing the rest of their deck, but play enough arenas and you realise that the lucky draws happen as often as they should. You just conveniently forget about all the games where nothing memorable happens.

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SO i did get what u were saying , i didnt lose because he had a better deck. he won cuz he got “lucky” and my question is: is it really pure luck or something beyond that??

Just because he got ‘luckier’ than you, that doesn’t mean he didn’t have a better deck. The two aren’t mutually exclusive

The only luck you need is the game to be rigged in your favour. And that never happens. It’s always rigged in favour of the opponent.

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Those reading skills again… Quite problematic, innit?

If u got nothing clever to say …better zip it

Simple: he believed in the heart of his cards. :sunglasses:

I meant others reading skills, the ones sarcastically saying the luck never happens in your favor, but always in favor of the opponents. Which is why I highlighted the part where you covered that.

ok sry then :smiley: lets all agree that hearthstone card draw and RNG isnt pure random.

Well let’s just start with the fact that I’m a mathematician by trade…I have a master degree in mathematics, so there is nothing you can tell me about algorithms that I don’t already know and what you’re proposing is literally the essence of conspiracy theory.

You are proposing that the developers INTENTIONALLY wrote an algorithm that decides which player it’s going to give good luck to, works out what cards they need at any given moment and specifically draws those cards for them. I mean, do you hear yourself? You’ve gone way beyond tin-foil hat there buddy :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ve been joking so far, but this reply is serious.

This is true for everything that is random in a computer environment. However, one thing is to say that the pseudo-randomness of RNG is, for all intended purposes, random enough; or to say that there’s tampering with RNG.

I believe that RNG is just RNG, if for nothing else, because it is the default position. If you are claiming that RNG isn’t pure RNG means that the game is doing something with some objective, then you have to answer two questions:

  1. How can we demonstrate that is true?
  2. What is the purpose of doing such a thing considering cost (development/maintenance/risk) and benefit, especially if there isn’t any obvious benefit.

Ah… things start to make sense now… muwahahahahah!

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Lmao, what is that supposed mean? :stuck_out_tongue: