So 112 damage at about round 9 with Warlock, as demonstrated by Thijs, thank to Tamsin, Tamsins Phylactery, Humonguous Owl …
One more OTK deck by Blizzard, around 3-4 exist at the moment.
Congratulations … also too me, for thinking, that you guys are in a good shape and such things would stop happening …
Will this meta ever get betta??? will it??? WILL IT???
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the power creep is really out of control aggro deck those day do almost 100+ dmg even with full defensive card and heal they can almost kill you every game back in the days aggro got almost 50 dmg max, and i don’t even talk about aggro combo deck that you can pull even before turn 6-7 before combo deck only worked at max turn 15 or more … they really need to up the 30 HP too 60 or make all cards + 1 mana. to slow down all the freaking meta.
Just delete and forget all about the Phylactery. And the double spell damage demon. I got OTKed by a DH for 120 dmg today.
played wild two mage and two quest shaman overload they killed me before turn 6 and i can’t do nothing cause they play solo ffs blizzard they don’t play minnions they draw and do they thing my only hope is to draw laotheb and does nothign just delay one turn …
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OTK is boring. I prefer that they find decks that you actually play strategically to win rather than waiting for that one moment when OTK will occur.
Exactly my experience - there is even less interaction than in the previous meta, which was already horrendous…
The only mode I still find acceptable is BG.
Today I found out that also shaman has joined the ranks of OTK decks with corruption/freeze deck.
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hahah, I am so happy I did not preorder this expac! The Devs need to get fired and replaced
its pretty clear that blizz only intends to release incredibly OP new expansions to invalidate previous expansions without trying to balance them. I guess this is the end of hearthstone for me. Just like how blizz is trying hard to kill off WoW they tried hard to make sure another game is no longer fun
The problem is the Whale pay for that cause is fun 30 min and they are gone from the game but blizzard got their money so they don’t care so people that play for fun or in free to paly are screwed.
Who preoreders this anyway ? U mad ?
In the end it is a free 2 play game. Wich sadly often end up heavily favoring whales. I feel like several expansions ago there were some strong new additions that did need nerfs. But they never felt over the top OP like this and the previous expansion. But some people have way too much money to spent and will easily pay 70 euros to preorder stuff and for cosmetics. Making this simple card game far more expensive than most full games. Whales will always be whaling
For me, the biggest fail in Heartstone, after joining from a 1y break, is that they made “The Purified Shard”, an “Exodia”, they must have had a fuk!ing blast at their christmas party last year Lmao