Forge a new destiny with the myths and makers of Azeroth in Hearthstone’s next, larger-than-life expansion!
Well, my High Stakes Casino Mage will love this free location in Wild!
I think 20 damage is too little. 30 or 50 would be better. In the next expansion, create card designs that take 30 seconds to complete the game.
I rather read US forum lately because this one seems a little bit dead… but I wrote only one question about Titans there… so will write it here also… Will be able to make a Titan minion silenced and break their 3 ability chain before finish?
I’d assume yes, since silence makes all the card text disappear, including keywords.
Here’s an idea. print a card that when you draw it, it wins the game. you don’t have to play it, a simple text: kill enemy hero when drawn. and since we are going up in terms of damage and down in terms of interactivity, how about “Kill enemy hero when this card is in your deck” for the expansion after that.
very good question
Great question GoodDaytoDie, thanks for asking!
We’re preparing a blog with additional info info that should answer the questions I’ve seen so far; stay tuned.
Here we go - it ended up being a forum post.
Wow, great! Thank you very much!
I have another question didn’t see an answer for it in the post so would like to ask:
If the enemy is forcing out a Titan from the other’s hand by Dirty Rat for example, can he activate one of it’s ability in the enemies round rightaway or need to wait until his turn?
“On the first turn a Titan is in play you can immediately use one of their abilities. This is true if the Titan is played, randomly summoned, recruited from your deck, sent to the future, or awakened from being dormant.”
This seems an answer for me but not mention about the turn it will be activated… says immediately… but if it was forced in the enemies turn then it should activate it’s first ability in it… because that is the first turn it will be in play. Am I wrong? It is just strange to make an action in my enemies turn… if that is the case.
It’s impossible for the enemy player to make an action during your turn. If a Titan is summoned from their hand during your turn, they can’t activate an ability until their turn begins.
So better clear it quickly.
In that case, a forced out Titan is vulnerable to the enemy and can be destroyed, silenced easily before activating any ability. Impossible only until they make it possible by a new mechanic. But I think you are right because the enemy can’t use opponent’s time to take an action and make it waisted with it… right? Except when Priests were allowed to do that by their hero card effect.
Many times I have lost a whole turn almoast because of their “Repeat all the Deathreattle minions effect” thing…
By the way, what about normal attacks? Can be a Titan attacked before using any of it’s abilities? (I mean when it is just on the board, summoned)
No, it has to use it’s abilities first.
If it has Windfury, it can use 2 abilities in a turn (Even when first summoned)
Oh, I see. Thank you very much for the quick answer, BrotherRoga. I was just asking because Paladin’s Titan have taunt. So until it’s abilites are not used up, it won’t be able to use it’s Taunt effect either.
Actually, even while it’s using its abilities, it is still affected by the taunt - so minions will be forced to attack it normally. Unless it gets silenced, but then it doesn’t get any more abilities and gets to attack instead.
The owner of the Titan cannot attack with it until it has used its abilities. But the opponent can attack the Titan as normal. (And given how strong some abilities are, I would definitely do so to get it off the board before it can use them).
Thank you, so the Titans can be attacked normally, targeted by spells, AOE effetc, etc.