Any thoughts on Vulper Scoundrel

So this is a card… and I don’t really know what to expect from it. Any ideas?

Epic · Minion · Saviors of Uldum · Battlecry: Discover a spell or pick a mystery choice.

A decently-stated spell generator who is a discover card that gives you a fourth option to just go random for added flexibility. What else is there to say?

Im guessing we get something like a chose one case were we discover a spell or get the mystery choice or you get to discover a spell with an extra option for mystery.
And id assume the mystery card can basically be anything from minion to hero cards from possibly any class

At first and after I saw the discover the perfect card guy I was thinking this must have sone weird tokens, but now with what Leo said I see
It could see play, I don’t know where yet, and really it’d usually be for the spell, but just as with raven idol I see scenarios in which you need a minion which makes this card actually good

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Frankly, I’m just happy to see the Vulpera get some more representation in the game.

Welp disregard what i said, just looked at its flavor text

A spell is a spell, but the mystery choice could be anything! (It’s also a spell.)

We should really look at flavor texts more often to get our answer on what a card does

wait, that’s a race?!
cool, guardians of the galaxy race

then I guess if you get totemic might totemic surge and ice fishing you can throw those away and get a random vulcano

It’s a new race introduced in the Battle for Azeroth expansion in Wow. Pretty cute actually :smiley:

furry gnomes on steroids

I think it’s just a further extension of Blizzard playing into the Asian market a bit. Japanese anime has regularly contained humanoid/animal species. Fox-like humanoids being one of the more regular ones

yes, but you have to bear with me, those in the WOW sprites look very creepy

Well they’re associated with The Horde so they’re evil by definition :stuck_out_tongue:

they remind me of creepy pasta I read in 6th grade, I’m actually sorry for the horde

Evil, eh?


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Poor but fun. By that I mean it won’t make any net decks, but it’s fine as cards 29/30 in your snowflakes and won’t cost you wins.

Which one? All I can think about are SCPs for some reason when it comes to Vulpera. :joy_cat:

FOR THE WAR-CHIEF! :fire::fire::fire:

Not to be controversial or anything but, uh… :cold_sweat:
(coughs awkwardly) #GarroshDidNothingWrong :triumph: