I’ve played since the second season (I think) and I have never posted in any forum but the quest Warlock deck on wild and standard is driving me crazy. Managed to get to Diamond 2 (wild) with quest Warrior deck (actually quite fun) but all I encounter now is this annoying Warlock deck (3/4 of all opponents under Diamond 5). Everything else out there on my way to current rank seems unusually gimmicky with very little use for minions outside of Warrior decks, Mage, Druid, Hunter especially and then this stupid reverse damage Warlock deck.
I’ll give Shaman a go based on some of the comments in this forum but please Nerf the Warlock nonsense I can only assume Legend ranks are even more saturated with this BS. Mage is pretty awful but I think just a bad match for my current deck.
Warlock Quest on Wild is the most annoying thing I’ve experienced on Hearthstone since second season couldn’t agree more
How, are warlocks a disease?
Quest lock is fun to play, warlocks always have had giants on turn 5, with mountain giants and they are WAY more easy dealt with now then back then, with stronger power creep spells and removal.
Warlocks almost stands no chance against mages and rogues in my experience. Especially the slower control version not.
Mages with 1 and 0 mana cost spells. Complete their quest by turn 4, they are the true disease.
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Because warlocks have more burst healing than a priest, there is basicly 0 trade off with losing health/taping since you have a myriad of healing. It’s the same problem with warlock as with mage. The priest/warlock player couldn’t care less what their opponent is doing. The only gameplan they have is play removal and finish their quest, it’s uninteractive and shouldn’t exist in the game.
Tbh, warlocks isn’t that good, against elemental aggro shaman, quest mage, miracle rogue.
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I thought I explained that it’s not about “being a good or bad deck”. It’s the exact same defense the mage-mains are trying to use. Both quest mage and quest warlock is singleplayer decks in a multiplayer game. Btw, who even plays miracle rogue lol?
I don’t agree. I play a midrange quest lock that actually plays for board with multiple minions and flesh giants. Not simply a deck stacked with spells and removal as mage.
Quest mage, druid, démon hunter are WAY more boring to play against.
They only rush quest to be done by turn 5 and then there is no more chance at winning.
I find quest lock much more amusing to play. Just my opinion. But I understand your point.
The problem with this sentence is that you are projecting your own views onto others and assuming it to be true because it’s true for you. How can you know what is fun when people face you? You never played against yourself.
I fear that I’m sounding confrontational and that is not my intention. The point that I want to raise is that you can’t judge other people’s fun. The fundamental problem of some of these quests is the same problem that started with Quest Rogue some years back. It’s a fast combo based gameplay that cannot be countered by anything but the highest levels of aggression. I think it’s extremely unfair to judge the fun of the opposing player when our fun with these decks is to combo as quickly as possible, mostly disregarding their play.
Who cares about weaknesses, wins and losses? It’s not FUN to play right now. FUN.
You are right, some people find it fun. But that’s probably only because those decks gives them a lot of free wins.
I just made legend with my warlock deck. I play it because I love warlocks. I play warlock and warrior every expansion.
But I feel like it’s safe to say that mages and demon hunters play style is boring and anti fun. Their quest is to easy and fast to complete. And there is hardly anything the opponent can do to stop it.
So this expansion is fun for paying players that purchase the questlines. For those using in-game gold to get packs hoping for questline cards, well you’re screwed.
So basically this expansion is to advance paying players to legend…
Even though the cheap aggro decks are actually out performing solitaire? Zoo warlock WITHOUT the quest is doing way better than the version with it.
May be Blizzard Employees don’t have much time to test this expansion before launch. may be they have only Time to harrass Women. since this expansion launched played Couple of Games to see what the Meta will be. I can assure this expansion Totally unbalanced, Stupide Expansion ever made, since then never logged in again and i also don’t expect much to be done in next Nerf regarding to pervious Nerfs this game made before. Blizzard launches great Games then they destroy them after they suck every possible penny. Sure they must get a benefits from their Games but this Game particularly is so much expensive and for me i don’t have that much fun anymore.
I’m glad I got to legendary before the expansion was out.
Adding my 2cents here as in Duels versus priest is no more fun… Cant you (blizzard) nerf priest so its not i kill you in 5 or less TURNS or STEAL your deck and kill you…im running out of patience also. And yes this is the worst expansion in games history (played since beta). Not touching duels until you fix it.
That’s really odd in my experience. Basically I win most matches vs Priest and only have 3 wins with Priest in Duels. Is this a class thing? What do you tend to play?
Playing against warlock is also boring. Legendary says nothing at the moment.
My experience with Priest in duels is also not very positive. And a quest WL in duels is just meh =/ Is it not enough that half of my games in Standard is against WLs? Do I really have to play the same stuff in the duels also?
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I agree wholeheartedly. The thing is not only that the term “aggro” is irrelevant if even midrange and “control” decks finish the game before turn 8 but also the fact, that many decks are just “throw cards randomly on board till questline is full, then end your opponent 1-2 turns later.” There is zero tactics or skill involved. I remember when people compared hearthstone to a mix of chess and poker, where you needed skill and tactics but also luck of the draw. That is completlely out the window now. THIS expansion is utter garbage and I just saw the patch and what cards got changed (patch 21.0.3.) and it is a joke because mages will still burn your hp quick af because encanters flow is not the problem here. And warlocks will still function the way they do… I am out as well. Also played this game since launch and even got my best friend to play it with me, he liked it so much that he kept investing into the game… every expansion he purchased those 50 packs and whatever comes with it… not sure about him, but I am out as well. Might check again here and there if they nerfed THE ACTUAL cards that need a nerf or not and otherwise will stick to other, less frustrating games.