As a Hearthstone player since launch, I can honestly say this is the worst expansion ever in my opinion. Sure, there’s been some rough expansions, some crazy imbalances, but after playing all these days, I feel the problem is not one of imbalance, but one of pure design choices.
It seems every class can get some crazy combo or win condition by turns 7 or 8 (and i’m being generous), and some decks just play themselves without regard of the other player or the board.
Sure, these decks are fun to play on their own, it’s great to destroy your opponent when it’s your turn to win, but this just feels like a race now. Having people killing their own minions to get mission requirements? Is this good design?
If you like this expansion, and i’m sure some do, good for you, have fun. But this ain’t for me anymore and it saddens me, and I felt I needed to express my opinion. Sorry Blizzard, but i’m out. Cheers!
I would say maybe stick it out until the first set of nerfs come in (by that I mean log in every few days to do dailies, the log out), just because underneath the top few tiers where what you describe is exactly what’s happening, this expansion has actually got quite a lot of fun stuff going on. Had some fun Rogue Quest and Handlock games at low mmr, so maybe if they nail a balance patch it might be worth staying. Odds are it won’t as there are so many solitaire decks atm (not gona pretend that I haven’t had fun playing some miracle Rogue, where no game has made it to 10 mana ).
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Sad to see a player since launch leave , hope you find a new game you enjoy and maybe you revisit hs in the future. have fun
Same here - played since beta. But it’s not just HS. I’ve spent a big part of my waking hours being part of the HS and WoW community. It’s just not fun any more.
Sure, I may be back, but a LOT needs to change. I doubt it will.
Have fun, anyone staying around: I honestly hope the situation improves.
Jumping on the wagon here. Unless we see a balance patch containing nerfs to mage/warlock I’m quitting next week. The game atm feels awful at diamond 1-5.
Yup, it does. Just no fun.
‘’ this expansion has actually got quite a lot of fun stuff going on. ‘’
I know I’m gonna sound condescending when I do this but…
“Worst Expansion Ever”
“Played since beta”
“I’m quitting”
“Hearthstone dev team is full of idiots”
I feel like Frieza at times when I read these kinds of threads.
Hands down the most infuriating and not fun experience I’ve had in a while
I love this expansion - just take Face Hunter with spells (i use only one card from UiS) and wreck all other decks with their fancy Questlines (for mage just dont put any minions down and see how they r stuck on their quest with only fort spell is Frost Armor )
Quest Mage loses to a fair amount of decks: My Control Deathrattle Hunter, for instance, and Questline Druid.
I’m at Diamond 10 right now.
Also, the new Elemental Shaman is quite good.
I’ll have to play with more questlines. So far, I have Druid’s and Rogue’s.
Have you had any success with Quest Rogue? I find it really appealing but it seems so slow in this meta.
Quest Rogue is tricky to play. Depends on what Gizmos you get. It’s not the greatest deck, although I like how it plays, but I feel like you’re at the mercy of what you draw.
I’m using Shattered C’thun with two Malevolent Strikes, two Octobots for mana discount and Dirty Tricks with Shekzara for card draw, and Alexstrasza for additional burst damage.
A hearthstone update without minions.What a fun!
-Mage quest = spells
-Hunter quest = spells
-Demon Hunter quest = draw cards
-Druid quest =gain attack
-Pala = play 1-cost CARDS(not minions,just cards)
-Priest = play 2,3,4 cost CARD ALSO!!!
-Rogue = play SI:7 cards
-Shaman = 3 CARDS with overload
-Warlock = take dmg on your turn
-Warrior = play 3 pirates(FINALLY A MINION QUEST LINE!)
You see the problem here or am i the only one?
Yeah but he just have to summon pirates, 0 interaction + the juggernaut cant be killed so its the same uninteractive shít.
Apart from priest quest, which I have managed to finish out of about 50 games twice, and play the shard once (!), the gamestyle they brought into the standard meta (I do not play wild, I joined HS later) is really horrible. Past two-three days my games have hardly ever crossed turn 8/9. That is how fast the meta have gotten even for classes that are not usually that fast.
The quests are actually very unfun thing to do - as many people here have said - they are basically solo things, where your opponent does not play much part - WL quest especially. Warrior quest with its indestructible Juggernaut is a damn JOKE, but still I guess it is more fun to play against than WL, Mage or Hunter.
Quest are finished on turn 5/6 (lame priest usually never) and from then it is basically bye-bye, love. And to add insult to injury - you get a 7/7 body for 5 mana.
So, my suggestion - quest reward minions need to be smaller 4/5 or something, cost about 7 mana and quests should take longer to complete. I do not think that an OTK deck should be able to OTK you on turn 7.
Again, it’s not really a problem of balance, but of design choice. The game is now tailored to end from turns 5-8. How? By having players play an obscene amount of cards in 2 or 3 turns as the opponent try to play his own. Sorry, but this ain’t for me anymore.
Rogue has a total of 2 SI spells so I would say that it’s highly minionbased as a questline.
The expansion en decks are all very fun tbh, lot of fun stuff, cards and decks.
However some decks like quest mage and miracle rogue and questcdemon hunter feel boring and frustrating to play against. They just play their own little mini game and rush to their win condition and almost nothing you can do to deny it.
I love control decks but they are slow and unplayable against these decks.
I played control quest warlock and big warrior deckd, because I love warlocks and warriors and love control decks.
But it’s to slow and I’m stuck at diamond 5 for a week.
I swapped my control quest lock for quest zoo lock and got from d5 to d1 in 1 hour.
Sad that every expansion, control decks bite the dust, and agro and combo decks are to strong.
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Player since GVG shout out to everyone cares about this game,
saying hi to hearthstone community at the first time among the years since I played hearthstone. Not a native English speaker, sorry for any grammar issue or other mistakes.
Below is the rank at the very moment that I typing
Standard Diamond 6
Wild legend 406
Spent about 4hrs each day playing this meta since released, wanna say something about the Phenomenon I’ve been seeing these days.
Warlock are just like some deadly PLAGUE, this is actually destroying the game also the UX in the worst way ever, worse than T0 jade druid worse than the very beginning DH.
Flesh giants standing on board at T6, even T5, wat the F is this suppose to be???
Not mentioned about wild, I’ve seen this at T3 with to two dark glares, oh wat a shame I forget to mention molten giants is pretty likely also standing on board
Btw, ignite is the worst single cards I’ve seen in these game, with incanter’s flow
no fatigue + infinite damage… pure crxp without doubt
Pretty sure everyone see that combo before, and I’m telling you - it’s not hard to achieve in wild.
As you can see how obvious these mistakes are, and blizzard guys just kept repeating this like they are in a Parallel universe.
Extremely sure you’re gonna lose more if you keep ignoring our voices