shadow priest was pretty damned strong recently tho.
But this is just how blizz balances their game. Instead of trying to properly balance the game they just create a flavor of the month wich is OP for a while. And after a while they nerf it into the ground and create another flavor of the month. They do the exact same thing in WoW and Overwatch
Ranked will always be populated by the strongest and most competitive decks.Nothing has changed since the game’s release.
It’s got less to do with balance, and much to do with the fact that people want to play decks with the highest winrate, and the streamers make such decks popular. It has always been this way.
Look at Secret Mage in Wild. It’s still a very strong deck, and not a single card in it from the latest few expansions.
People were complaining about Handlock and Zoo Warlock in 2014, now they’re complaining about questlines . But honestly, all decks have a 50 percent winrate,
It’s all about favorable and less favorable matchups,and how well you play each game.
I don’t believe in statistics about decks having 70 or 80 percent winrate. They don’t exist. It’s just clickbait from streamers to get more subscribers.
will this meta ever get betta??? WILL IT???
This certainly is true, but lets face it the difference between this expansions new meta dominating is obvious. In previous seasons you did see the new meta quite often in wild But it did not dominate and guarantee an instant win against pretty much anything like we saw in this expansion. There is a reason why the warlock questline got banned after all. And there are more questlines wich deserve to be banned in wild
The next major expansion will invalidate the questlines, as people will flock to new cards and archetypes. This always happens. In Standard, at least.
no kidding probably because pretty much most things except the latest 2 expansion are banned there. The newest 2 expansions should be banned in wild for the exact same reason
edit: what is wrong with the hearthstone forums? it automaticly keeps removing quotes from time to time
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It does that if the entire post is quoted & kept wholesale, unmodified.
Partial quotes (Even just removing a letter from a whole post or something like that) do not get autodeleted.
Never played in in meta this bad. All the games feel like there is just a script you can’t divert from, which makes all the games just play the same with almost 0 decision making.
I have no idea what is going on in Blizzard camp, but we are definitely getting products that are not worth our money. I just unsubbed from WoW a month ago for the first time since MoP (yes I even played trough WoD and compared to what we have now I realize, I actually had fun).
Please stop relying on past achievements and old time glory and start making better games and game mechanics. We are, after all, paying top dollar for what has been mediocre products at best.
I do not think so.
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It has been over 3 weeks now since I have played Hearthstone. I can honestly say I do not miss it. I have not even uninstalled the game or been tempted to log back in. I have played practically everyday since Witchwood. Tried binning the game twice in the past but to no avail. The compulsion to play was just too much. However thanks to United in Stormwind I am now free of this addiction. I guess all good things come to an end and Hearthstone is no exception. It was fun while it lasted.
Good for you, man. I’m glad you’ve found more enjoyable games to play.
For me, Hearthstone will remain a top played game. I’m unlikely to get tired of it.
My hobby game since 2014.
I’m alternating between all three Ranked modes,playing my favorite decks, knocking down Achievements.
I only need the Bolner and the Persistent Peddler Achievements to finish all the ones for the current expansion.
I’m planning to hit Legend in Classic this month. I’m thinking, with Control Priest maybe.
I am very happy that Priest is very playable and balanced. The one class that loses to every other class. Absolute balance
You can make Priest work. Have you tried Questline with minions? This deck is pretty good.
Class: Priest
Format: Standard
Year of the Gryphon
1x (1) Seek Guidance
2x (2) Cult Neophyte
2x (2) Far Watch Post
2x (2) Pandaren Importer
1x (2) Transfer Student
2x (2) Wandmaker
2x (3) Entrapped Sorceress
1x (3) Mindrender Illucia
2x (3) Rustrot Viper
2x (3) Venomous Scorpid
2x (4) Crossroads Watch Post
1x (4) The Nameless One
1x (4) Xyrella
1x (5) High Abbess Alura
2x (5) Ogremancer
1x (5) Taelan Fordring
2x (6) Lightshower Elemental
2x (7) Elekk Mount
1x (8) Mo’arg Forgefiend
To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
this expansion sucks…can’t wait till they release new expansion this expansion is bare waste cuz quicktime u know
Reading all of this certainly strenghtens my feeling towards the game at the moment. Playing since 2015, it has never been so frustrating to play as it is now. hundreds of cards being played with 4 mana, Being able to play 4 minions, dealing 32 damage in one turn at this level, and the most frustrating part, if you think thing through and are playing a quest of some sort, you can’t play your next card until the cinematic is finished, thus ropes burns and you are finished. Being an elderly player i don’t tend to switch easily to somethng else than what i am used to… getting close now however…
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As I’ve said before, questlines are in now, because they’re new. When the next big expansion comes, things will surely change as they always do in Standard.
Do you remember all the other expansions that introduced quests? No one even plays them now, even the strong ones like Rogue’s in Wild are a no-show,
I do like the questlines, though.
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Do you even know what Balance means ? There shouldn’t be a Best deck in a balanced game.
Stop shilling for this company with it’s talentless employees.
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gonna spec necro on my warlock for this thread blad…dno you know srs
that’s because the power creep is out of control dr.boom ( the 7/7 ) was GOD tier card when he was realesed and now you can barely be alive when turn 7 it … and even if you do and play dr.boom you do almost nothing XD
Of course there’s a power creep. That means that every class gets more powerful cards across the board.I’ve only just started playing the expansion, and I’m enjoying Arena.
Did you know that in 2014 people complained about Flame Imp being a 1 drop 3/2? Or about the coin+Defilas Ringleader combo?
What other classes had access to such initial tempo?
Many complaints are just noise, man.Especially when presented in whine form. I can complain about the weather too when I’m down. Doesn’t make a change to anyone whatsoever.