Azerite Snake + Alex GAMEBREAKING BUG

TLDR: If you play Az. Snake 3 times, stealing 21 hp, and then play Alexstrasza with the battlecry “SET player hp to 15” the player instantly dies instead.

To begin, I realise how the bug works.
-7 -7 -7 , - 15 , however this is not what the cards say.
Azerite Snake has the battlecry “Steal 7 hp from the opponent”.
This is fine and dandy, if some cards can raise their life total or add everlasting tons of armour, then this is an interactive way of dealing with it rather than relying on damage.

Alexstrasza has the battlecry “SET a player’s life total to 15”.
Not “Decrease player’s life total”, not “Deal 15 dmg to player’s life total”, but “SET.”
When this is played, your life total or that of your opponent becomes 15. Total. That is what it says, and that is what it is supposed to do. Thus, using this card and killing someone is per definition a bug, or an exploit.

And from what I have read it has been wellknown public knowledge for at the very least a month? Why has this not been hotfixed? Why does “Set (SET) life total to 15” not do what the card says that it does?
If a card said “Equip your hero with a 1/1 weapon” and you instead got a 15/15 mega-thunderfury weapon, would that not be changed?
If a card said “Heal a character for 5 hp” and you play it and it deals 9 dmg to all characters, would that not be changed?
Why is this stupid combo any different?

Or on the opposite side of “No, we HAVE to keep this in the game!!”, why not change the text, or at the very least the ingame display to reflect what happens? If you have a life total of 30 and take 5 dmg, you are at 25 hp. If you play a card that sets your life total to 40, you have a life total of 40. The only exception is Alexstraza instakilling you instead of doing what her card says.
You could at least change the display, or her battlecry, but instead nothing has been done whatsoever.

Utterly dissappointing that you allow players to play this in Ranked modes, and profit from exploits.

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Happened to me too today. Couldn’t figure out how the person pulled it off.

Yeah just happened to me and made me livid. Nothing can be done, no counters, you just watch yourself die throught an exploit. Please fix it…

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