I simply don’t understand why Bad Luck Albatross was printed in this expansion. It completely destroys all highlander decks right now…
Good luck. You answered your own question.
Balancing a card game with so many variables is hard. If it were my task, I would follow one golden rule: for every potentially strong deck I see when designing a new expansion, ensure that there is a counter.
If highlander get in the meta and turn out to be too OP, then Bad Luck Albatross will see more and more play, as a counter. Upon which highlander decks will lose ground, and instead we’ll see decks that capitalize on the high number of Albatross players. And then those will cycle out, and yet new decks will emerge.
At least, that’s what I hope. It’s called a healthy meta.
Always nice to see a smart arshole being smart… You will see…
I cant see a single letter in his post where hes unfriendly, condecending or what you call him.
Just because you dont like the answer doesnt mean it isnt true
There you go, you just answered your own question
Why would you insult someone when they answer you with a well thought out detailed response, which answered your thread?
Also with so many OP cards printed you are really complaining about bad luck albatross lol?
Hah! First of all, learn to spell. I’m not a native English person, and even I know you spelt your insult wrong.
Also, if you really want to see my mean side, how about this instead of my original answer:
“Oh no, someone has a counter to my deck! It’s unfair!”
I now regret not posting that originally. But I made the mistake of thinking you were actually looking for an answer instead of judging you to be the mindless troll you are.
If you spell the insult correctly you get banned for a day because the potential audience who reads the forum, can be very young.
That was the explanation i got because i onxe tried to encourage people to dont give a big one about the guys adding and insulting others after a lost game
I Wonder why there is no function to Counter elementals or galakrond then.
Actually its such a powerfull card…
As already said, it does completely destroy Highlander decks (except Rogues who runs Flik Skyshiv). It also messes up pretty much every deck. The minion itself has great value (3 mana for a 4/3).
I run it in a Ress Priest deck, I’ve onced managed to fill my opponent’s deck with 12 useless 1/1. But tbh, i am currently playing it at non rated games to get used to it first before i get into ranked.
Believe me Flik Skyshiv will be hard to pull when you got more then 40 Bad Luck Albatross in your deck
Elementals get their strength from being played in the turn after another elemental is played. You can disrupt these decks either by, once an elemental is played, creating a board state / pressure that forces them to answer the board instead of playing for their elemental synergy. Or, conversely, apply so much early pressure that you force them to tempo play their elementals when their battlecry is inactive.
Galakrond is five different minions, so not a single counter. And I personally believe that all Invoke cards and a few Galakrond are overpowered and have insufficient counter. But I have seen several pro streamers on Twitch play with decks that don’t use Galakrond, and that have good win rates against Galakrond decks. Especially Thijs (https://www.twitch.tv/thijs
) very often plays with what he calls “meta breaker” decks: decks designed to counter whatever is at that time popular. Two weeks ago, I saw him made chopsticks of all (pre-nerf) Galakrond Shaman players.
If would love to see the card Hemet, Jungle Hunter return to standard as a counter measure to the damn Albatross…
I think albatros is a bit too good. The way i see it is there are 3 criteria for a counter card.
How many decks that card is countering?
The card works against lightforged paladin and every singleton deck which i think is quite common. -
How much advantage it provides while countering?
Singleton decks are build mostly for zephyrs, alexstrasza, reno, brann, elise, sir finley. Without them those decks are at huge disadvantage. -
How good is it when not countering?
When played against non singleton,lightforged deck this card is still good. It’s a 3 mana 4/3 with 2 card advantage in the long game.
There needs to be a triangle balance between those 3. Meaning if a card is good at 2 of the above it should be bad at the other.
It"s a decent card but sure not OP. And the winrate isn’t that high if you build a deck arround it.
You don’t even need to build a deck around it like a priest or rogue. I’ve decided to test it. I’ve tech’ed this card into my control/mid-range decks and it works wonders it seems.