hallo there…i play HS for a decade almost…plz BLIZZARd do domething about the 1tk combo decks…+
nurf the reno 10 card removal---->make it 11 mana or something its too OP
super nerf quest mage+
super nerf quest warlock -dh its super op
i cant understand…why you make HS decks and you do not want us to compete in battlefield…this is not HS…if there is no interaction where is the fun to play? you can do way better than this…
How is Reno OP? In this expansion it’s rare you even get past turn 6 nowadays. Reno needs to go back to 9 or 8 mana to even give decks a chance and the problem is pirate decks big time.
It doesn’t sound like you been playing a decade … xd
Balance is a matter of personal opinion in general.
Players don’t keep detailed stats of their games , they just get upset when they get squashed. If you had to keep stats you may see that you are getting better cards than your opponents on average.
That’s why we have to put our trust in Blizzard to maintain balance.
Trust and blizzard in the same sentence? You need help mate.
hahaha, because it removes everything plus silences them then stops opponent refilling the board, no other card in the history of hs does that, wake up! it is broken
and stil…they have not remove the card or at least…SUPER NERF IT…make it 12 mana…blizzard dont care about the game in general…just for money…its THAt simple man. you can see it of how they treat the members
Want to enjoy the game? build the broken mage deck. Play three 8 mana tusnami’s on turn 5 and win the game, or play warrior with brann and put 12 TnT’s into their decks on turn 9… games to broken for the brain dead blizzard to fix.