Battleground need a ready button

After playing the battleground for years, the two latest patches have pointed out that the game needs a ready button. Because most of the battles are now relatively long due to the builds, we now have often almost 2 minutes waiting time between matches. In my last match, I waited over 10 minutes for the tavern clock to run down. This was after I had completed my turn. The longest waiting time was 139 seconds. This is simply not fun. This is a terrible game design.

I know that some people won’t use it, but we need an “I´m done” button for players to click after they have done everything in the tavern or some mechanics that would check that players have done their turn, for example, they´ve spent all their gold and after that, they have 30 seconds to finish their turn. Currently, after many fun years, this game mode is now simply boring. There were times when the matches were too quick. Now we have the problem, where the matches are too boring waiting.

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Do you skip time via disconnect? Late-game turns are atrocious for how little time there is. Especially in duets.

No it does not… It was already discussed like 10000 times. BG works in predetermination and already knows how the next fight will unfold. So even if you click READY it won’t change anything. Also a lot of people will abuse it like in Standart and just wait to rope, just to piss you off.

This has been discussed before. It’s not feasible.

This is what I call the ‘Asmongold Thesis’ because he was the first to formulate it.

Basically, it means that a gamer cannot assume that every other gamer is like them. Just because a gamer is a super pvp Chad it doesn’t mean that every gamer is.

The same applies to BG. Yes, you may finish your turn in 10 seconds but there are plenty of players for whom 2 minutes isn’t enough. Those players want Blizzard to increase turn times to 10 minutes or more.

Companies like Blizzard use the worst case scenario to build their games.

Kripp is a good example. He is playing suuuuuuuper slow, and very often he is doing the last action 1-2 seconds before the rope ends, or even doesn’t manage to do so… It is giving me anxiety to watch him play.