Battlegrounds Minion types text

Hi Blizzard.
The text in battlegrounds that says “Minion types this game: xxxxxxxxxx” should really just say what is banned or at least make it more visual (like icons for all types and the one that is banned is greyed out or has a red cross over it or both)

I know it’s a really small thing, but couldn’t find where to submit suggestions so here you go!

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what you mean? There is deck, mouse over it, and it shows which type isnt there.

I think he means at the beginning of the game at the screen where you choose your hero. I would like to see the same added. My first focus is visualizations and not text, so I often overlook the minion-types active in the game. Made a post about it a week ago.

I agree with the topic. Many streamers put an icon with an X to show which minion type is banned that game. A similar thing could be implemented alongside or in place of the writings where you have to read and then think which one is out. Seems stupid, but with the possibility of adding more minion types (and probably banning more than one) this method would make things more easy and pleasant for everyone. And maybe keep next to the deck on the side the symbol of the banned tribe, just as a decorative reminder.

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