BG Suggestion: Visualise participating the minion-types at the start of a run

Whenever I start a BG-run, one of the most things I do after picking a Hero is feeling a sense of regret because I forgot to look at which minion-tyes are active during the run.

I constantly miss the line in white words with the names of the minion-types in play. Every time I promise myself that I will look at the minion-types the next time I start a run. But as told, I fail at it every time. Maybe it because I am naturally more fixated on images than on letters. Just like I recognize the Hero’s by their pictures before I read their names.

Therefore my request: do the same with minion-types, visualize them with a picture in addition to the text.

I know for sure that I am not alone with this preference for visuals above text and it will improve people’s experience instead of feeling regret.