Battlegrounds minions dont attack randomly as stated

Not that hard to code. For certain minions that have deathrattle or avenge, you create the chance of attack lower. Can be copied into every minions code

HSReplay, they have millions of games a week and show the average of when cards are drawn/played.

There are very good books on game design, in which you can find a lot of information on how random generation of outcomes is processed.

You can test them wih 1, 2 and 3 dices. With one how many times from letā€™s say 1000 throws, you will get specific number.

What are the chances to throw 1 or 6 from first throws.

What are the chances for the dice to get stuck on edge (yeah, the chance is not 0)

with 2 dices, what are the chances to throw the same numbers. What are the chances to throw the same numbers 2 and 3 times in a row.

What are the chances to throw the sum of 7 from both dices.

Etc, etc, etcā€¦

Now when your head is burnng from all those stuff, turn the pages and find the numbers for odd sided dices lik d4, d8, d12, d20ā€¦

RPG games usually use the D&D system to calculate stats. Battlegrounds on the other side uses full random or else system. Full random unless specific cases are met like taunt, stealth, start of combat, rush, windfury, attack the minion with lowest attack and etc (done from random starting minion if 2 or more share the same trait, then one each player) . etcā€¦ The game is pure RNG, but the more you play the more things you perceive as pattern, when they are not.

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I donā€™t know if this is intentional, but Iā€™ve experienced numerous times that when Iā€™m getting low on health, my remaining minions appear to attack specifically to die and to let the opponent cause the most damage to me.

Example: I have one minion left on my side and my opponent has two, one level two with divine shield and tons of health and one level five minion with barely any health left. My minion, of course, chooses to attack the enemy with divine shield and dies. It could have killed the other level five minion, so the damage output would be low enough for me to survive another turn. But in this case, both of the opponentā€™s minions survive and I get the full damage to the face. Whenever I get into this situation, this almost always happens, as if my minions already gave up :') Makes me question the RNG too. And Iā€™ve been playing this game mode since its release and also purchased a few passes. I know that the player with the most minions attacks first and itā€™s from left to right. But aside from that, I donā€™t know what other mechanics there are, and it definitely is frustrating at times.

I end each season between 7000 and 8000 rating. Once went over 8000ā€¦ ON A FREE ACCOUNT.

So I call your BS. I know it is easy too look for excusses elsewhere autside of your lack of skill and luck.

BG is fully RNG, and by fully I mean AWFULLY RNGā€¦ To the point that you cannot predict anything.

My biggest pain is that there are lotā€™s of games where I beat the 3rd, I beat the second, without killing them, then I loose from the 1st, and end the lobby on 4th place, even that I am a lot stronger than the ones on 2nd and 3rd place. And this my friend is RNG!

bg is fully rigged scum, no real rnd

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