Battlegrounds perks gone

What happened? Is this a bug or something?

I paid for tons of packs in a mode I don’t play to get the perks last expansion. Are they seriously thinking I’m gonna pay another 80 euros buying more packs I’ll never use to get my perks back.

You can’t just take away something I paid for Blizzard.



To get them back you have to buy BattleGrounds pass with either 2500 gold or 20,00 $

But you get additional treats like early access to new heroes ( Battlegrounds ) and 4 tickets to the arena

Kinda lazy and greedy if you ask me

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it is absolutely disgusting what they have done there.
pay to win mode = on


Woah woah woah, I was under the impression that the BG perks were dependant on 30 packs of the current expansion: now it’s changed to a £16.99 purchase REGARDLESS of how many packs have been earned???

Good job destroying the BG playerbase you greedy pigs.



again. you had to have that amount of packs last time true

now you dont have to buy the packs but the pass

so its better if you only play BG

if you play both … well …

There is a big difference between slowly earning 30 packs for the main game and an entire separate purchase for a mode that isnt even a full game.

Just removing perks from people who have already filled these requirements & making them re-earn it is bad enough, they have already paid for what apparently is a sellable perk of the game and yet Blizzard take that when they feel like it?

If you think that next card expansion they arent going to make you pay a second time for a new pass you’re a moron. Stop defending disgusting practices in the industry, people like you Toad are why companies think they can make decisions like this.


i dont know why you call me a moron when im agreeing with you

i didnt even defend them.

if you dont play the main game you actually have to pay less in game gold then 4 months ago…thats not sugarcoating it…

i myself think as well that the system last time was superior.

But they ALWAYS told us its just for one Expansion. Like a Season Pass

We knew that from the first time we could do that and how it will be at the new expansion.

and beeing it this way is one of the reasons im not gonna buy it. Im actually glad they added the dragons because since them i REALLY dont enjoy it anymore so it wont be missed from my side

and to the point that people like me are the Reason for all of this!

I was selfemployed long enough to know how (at least small) business work. And its not too hard to scale up from there.

but thats also a reason why i didnt give them ANY money except from the last advantrue (i was to lazy to grind the gold for that AND the packs for this expansion) in over one year and it will stay that way.

im not the reason this company is making money

belive me. Im happy to pay little cosmetics in f2p games from smaller com (for example Awesomenauts if anyone heared about that) because thats one way for me to keep the developers alive and healthy.

i have no such intention for blizzard and i certainly wont pay anything in the future.

if i would have known that you couldnt craft the cards in the last adventure i wouldnt have bought it as well and i wont do it the next time.

So pls be reasonable. I was in no way defending this model. I was merley showing that if you dont play standard or wild then paying 2500 gold for the pass is better then paying 3000 for packs wich you wont use.

and if it was misinterpreted then let me clear it out

The last line where i wrote: "if you play both … " That was a critic to this system. if you play both its just suboptimal and i really dont like it.

end of story

i hope i made myself clear now

I would argue you are actually paying more gold than you were 4 months ago, while yes the actual gold cost is reduced by 500 gold, you could also earn packs at the time, from quests and correct me if im wrong but I vaguely remember a tavern brawl, in all I know I earned more than 5 packs, equating for the 500 gold

Im not disagreeing with you or the situation, or that it shouldn’t be monetized given its success, my problem is the pricing of it all seems way off. Im a F2P player and I never took ranked seriously but I would play fun decks in casual (Standard and wild), and recent moves like this one by Blizzard seems to be driving off F2P

Exactly. The gold cost hasn’t gone down by 500, it has increased by 2500. Now for the same benefits in both modes you need 30 packs AND 2500 gold. Maybe i’d be less offended if it were a one time purchase but Blizzard are asking we pay $60 a YEAR for a MINIGAME.

im agreing with both of you on this part.

i just said if you dont play the standard wild casual/ranked version of that game THEN its 500 less

everything esle about this, were on the same boat

Read most of your posts today, but what i cant understand is, blizzard are not asking you pay anything. Its merely a perk.
Your very critical, so why hang about playing game by company you dislike. Surely your time and money is better spent on a product that give you value?


People are being critical is the same reason were all on this forum at the end of the day, we enjoy this game, we wouldn’t be here if we didn’t. While yes you don’t have to pay (and I wont be) its just quite a shame about how this has all been handled by Blizzard. The cost has gone up, across the board in all aspects of the game and BG is just the latest victim of this. I feel people have just gotten to a point where they want to enjoy the game but the cost is now in direct opposition of that.

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can you explain to me the cost has gone up? i mean despite playing battleground.

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Regarding cost, up until yesterday, that rotation had the most amount of cards and sets available in it since launch, while this isn’t too much a problem for longer players, an overwhelming amount of cards were in rotation across several different pack sets. Blizzard somewhat addressed this for returning players with the free deck, but its still a lot more cards to get for the same amount of gold coming in.

There is now going to be even more cards in the set with the new DH class, so going forward this will become a bigger issue, and I feel changing how you obtain rarities to how legendries work doesn’t address this enough

Ive played a few games of standard and wild, and ive noticed quite a lot of cards incoming from galakronds awakening, and while its nothing like the previous expansion power level cards ( I remember Blackrock and Karazhan), there are some good ones, boompistol bully, manasaber and the amazing reno right off the top of my head that are prominent, so obtaining these arguably deck defining cards is an added cost on top of all the sets in rotation
-As an aside, if paying with gold, each chapter is 700 gold and you cannot bulk purchase with gold, so with the free chapter, and the 7 remaining, that’s 4900 gold

In all, I don’t understand Blizzards economy, if they want gold to be valued in game then it should keep the same value, I know that’s no always possible, but if you look at the cost of two packs in cash its 3 euro ie 200 gold = 3 euro, so why is something that costs 20 euro being put forward as 2500 gold for BG, or even 4900 for the Galakronds solo adventure, it just feels like extra gatekeeping for F2P players, and that might be the frustration. Just highlighting a point, its their game and they can charge what they like and I don’t have to pay, and I enjoy the game as I stated before and I don’t take it seriously, but if im getting stomped constantly by cards I cant afford, not even craft, then its annoying, same for BG if im getting offered 2 D tier heroes multiple times then Im not going to enjoy it as much. Just my 2 cents

No. Blizzard have taken this away from players. What once was an additional benefit in the standard progression of earning packs for the main game is now an entirely separate thing. Okay, maybe thats fine, blizzard have split off a game mode to be its own thing.

…Except they havent. Its the same thing it was yesterday, and one that is not worth $60 a year might I add. It may be a ‘perk’ to check stats, but allowing 2 extra hero choices at the start of a game is a significant increase in win potential. Of the 33 potential heroes, only 15 are in the top half of the tier list giving anyone with those extra roll chances a much better prospect of a successful game. Hell, emotes too; why is communication in a game mode restricted by a purchase? A most basic social tool for communicating with other players is now a priced commodity? How long until WoW guild chat is now subscription based too? What about making team chat in OW pay to use? Ah yes thats right, that would be an egregious overstep of blizzards sales department, just as this move is.

You say I should just pack up and move on if I’m unhappy with Blizzard trying to steal from my pocket; I have given the company years of time and hundreds of pounds. I am entitled to some degree of critique, especially as this is a very minor change that were members of the community rightly outraged against would be changed back. But no, instead we have you, happy to bend over and pucker up for the chinaman. You’re part of the reason covid-19 has spread so well. Endless apologia when you’re the one being exploited.

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they completely ruined battle grounds i’ll never pay for it and now i’ll play it far less


I agree, they ruined it. It’s too expensive. They will lose a lot of players in the mode because of that.

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honestly i wanted to answer properly until i read the last sentence.

man grow up. this is nothing to joke about no matter how angry youll get with this

AGAIN i dont like this move either but people if you dont have any idea how business works then dont come with lines with “bend over to the china man”

if you actually do understand this then i cant explain to myself what drove you to that last statement. Its just imature and stupid

This Covid thing is going to last quite a while and a good amount of people is going to die. Lets hope it never mutates to something from the same Virus Stem (ever heared about MERS?) because THEN were really

So dont fkn joke around with that stuff


blizzard have really missed the mark with this one, as if this game wasn’t already so expensive to play.

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Never playing BG again. Conceded as soon as i saw i only had 2 hero picks. Who makes you get 30 packs for perks just to take them away? Scummy af.

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