Battlegrounds Ready up button

Good day ! I been playing hearthstone for about 10 years now. And play Battlegrounds almost every day ! I have a great idea that would speed up games and allow for more games played !

You guys should add a ready up button in the tavern. When everybody is done their turn you simply ready up. If everyone ready ups then next round starts. Also adding a cancel ready in case you change your mind and make a different play. I believe this would shave off some game time and allow us to get more games in.

Thanks !

Then you will have the same complains about BG as in Ranked about the ropersā€¦ thx, but no thx

I would rather suggest that the rounds are shortened to a max of 45 seconds. If you need more than that, then I donā€™t know what you are doing.

I donā€™t think that I have ever run out of time. These 2 minute rounds are infuriating.

there are builds that can struggle for seconds on the end of the rope and shortening the round will make it even worse.

Normally those ā€˜buildsā€™ are cheese builds and not genuine builds. Itā€™s players who build Pirate warbands where they get 100 gold a turn and need 10 minutes to play.

They donā€™t count and they donā€™t get an opinion. Players who play the game as intended will never need a 10 minute round.

Says who? Just because you donā€™t like said build doesnā€™t mean those peoples opinions are invalidated.

This kind of ā€œNo True Scotsmanā€ fallacy reflects poorly on you.

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your logic is so flawed that it looks like very old pantsā€¦

I confirm that you are wrong.

The idea behind BG is not to have 10 minute rounds. Otherwise Blizz would have 10 minute rounds.

Shortening the rounds will encourage players to play actual builds and not try to exploit the hell out of BG.

every build that can take you to 1-4th place is real build. Your oppinion does not validate or invalidate a build, just because you donā€™t use it or like it. That is not how the world worksā€¦

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