Battlegrounds - Teracgosa

Making this game subscription-based would also be a bad move on Blizzard’s part.
First of all, you risk alienating a good chunk of the player-base, and it would lose a lot if it were made exclusive.

Imagine, if instead of buying packs, all cards would be open to you. That’s just bad design. It loses the thrill of discovery.

I have said this before: Hearthstone is based on Magic the Gathering. You can watch any documentary to verify this.

Like Magic, HS is free but the cards cost money. You also need to be very lucky to get the meta cards out of packs, or you need to pay big bucks for them.

It’s the MtG model that Blizzard cloned. Don’t expect change any time soon.

I played MtG at national level, believe me, you will cry if you knew how much some of the meta decks cost.

Meanwhile I just want MTG: Arena to have commander mode introduced so I could test my deck :C

Literally get good. This is basically f2p account, and I reached top 2000+ in BGs on EU (you can check).
Tarecgosa is optional in dragon build, much better are poet shenanigans with Nightbane or early Hoardspawn. After all, there are better late game builds (elementals or naga), so you aim to win in mid game/early late game.
Good luck and don’t be silly about 1 tier B card :wink:

Bro, national MtG compairing to BattleGrounds :smiley:
It’s like compairing League of Legends to Minecraft. Totally different playstyle xD

It was a price comparison. MtG meta decks are expensive, just like HS meta decks. The system is at its core Pay to Win, even if it’s not intentional.

In HS you can’t build the deck you want just like that. you need dust to craft them, and dust comes from extra cards. So you need to buy thousands upon thousands of packs to get enough cards to disenchant.
In MtG you can buy the cards directly from the Card Market/Alternatives and not buy boosters at all. Yeah they can be crazy expensive, and I mean crazy, like the 2 milion euro One ring, or the 20 000- 600 000 Euro Black lotus… Yeah I know they are not allowed on tournaments but still.

When I first started playing MtG in the 1990s, Black Lotus was not such a big deal.

I should have bought a stack of them!