Battlegrounds - Teracgosa

Hi all,
I just wanted to ask about Teracgosa and how can I get this card in BG. I know that I have to pay, so I can see the card in the pool. Is Season Pass enough or?

P.S. Come on, don’t be shy, we all know that this game is p2w. I’m just asking where to pay, so i can get the maximum benefits.

Dragons are very strong in Battlegrounds and you don’t need to depend on a certain minion to make the build.
Do your best with what’s on offer.Play opportunistically.

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Lizzards is currently probably the easiest family to pull off… You need max tavern 4, don’t upgrade past that, nothing important there. You need 2-3 specific minions, and all are up to tavern 4. You don’t need Terra, as with the green drake, all keep their combat buffs. Buy 2 green, and don’t golden them, put them next to each other, and in 3 rounds all your drakes have Windfury. If you have full board and you have the Pirate drake, you can just spam tavern spells and you will win in no time.

No matter, Blizzard is deleting all posts that are telling the truth … so forget it. Good luck in this P2W game.

git gud, мрънкало :smiley:

That’s not realistic unless you are playing 1k ranking. Do that at 5k+ and take 15 to the face every turn. GG.

I am 6k and just last night won another game with even more absurd build,
Without windfury and divine shield. And on top of that with 6 minions… https : // ibb . co / zfW65MK

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Some, will say “Еее не така с бутонките в кокалчетата…”, Some that understood the guano you posted…

Is what Dinkoslav posted in Bulgarian or something? Because it’s not Russian for sure.

Ваш голем был напичкан шпинатом по ошибке. Наш шеф повар приносит свои извинения. :smiley:

напичкан* yes it is bulgarian

My bad, it was a typo.Russian is my native tongue. It sure looked Slavic. I knew it had to be Bulgarian or something.

I live in Israel, but I’m originally from Ukraine. I immigrated when I was 10, way back in 1991.

good oftopic, but not for here Слава Україні ! Героям слава!

Yea, sorry. That wasn’t my intent. I dislike politics, in general.
It’s just the association with anything Russian these days doesn’t really win you any favor. On the net, more than elsewhere.

It’s not Russian, it’s Bulgarian … but how would Blizzard know the difference? They ban and never ask/check. Whatever, enjoy the P2W game and give them some money.

I most certainly will pay for things I enjoy, and in this case it’s access to content I enjoy consuming. Don’t we all? They haven’t invented free food yet.

Entertainment isn’t free either. It’s either ad-sponsored or subscription-based.
Hearthstone lets you play for free, of course, but it takes time to open all the content you may want to have.

And time is money. Always has been.So, broadly speaking, you also spend money on this game, only in a different guise.

Ask Al Capone :stuck_out_tongue:

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I sometimes instantly regret replying so curtly, or taking the complaints so seriously at times,(I mean, it’s the internet and all), but considering how many people spend their money on booze and other questionable stuff,(not judging or anything, those things are just not for me) I see no harm in spending it on a hobby game.

I’m also an avid board game fan, and you wouldn’t believe the amount of cash people throw on Kickstarter games. Hearthstone by comparison is peanut money.

I’d like to think that the paying customers certainly prolong the life of this game for the benefit of the entire player base.

Nope, I don’t agree on this. If Blizzard wants money, make the game with montly fee. If they say that the game is free, than the game should be free. You cant say “It’s free, but you can’t win until you pay us”. This is why people stop playing theyr favorite games …
Don’t LIE to us, be fair, tell us what you need and we will follow you!!! Otherwise it’s just not ok …

The game is constantly being refreshed with new content. Where would Blizzard get the funding for it without the business model?

Hearthstone is not some cheap mobile game with stick figures for animation. It looks premium, and it is.

How come I still win then? I don’t pay, i play fully free. No skins, no premium tracks, nothing… An I still win… mistery…