Sometimes my random bg teammates place their minions in some weird order what often results in losing rounds/games. Im not great at the game, so sometimes I make those stupid mistakes aswel. Must be happening alot on the lower ratings I guess?
Might be an idea to add an icon like ↔ to tell your teammate to switch minion position. Would have been quite helpful in some of my games.
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Players use the ‘portal’ icon for this. Mark two minions to indicate a swap.
Sometimes the “expert” player actually gets it completely wrong when they request things being changed. If someone is playing at your tier in BG, then they are as good as you and they usually know what they are doing. Focus on playing your side of the board and you might win more rounds. I regularly come in the top 2 in 6000-7000 but if someone starts telling me how to play, I simply do the opposite to what they say. All the matches I win come because we work together but also allow each other to play our side of the board as we see fit.
True. I have noticed that players who tell you how to play hate it when you do the same to them.
I recently played a game where a player was putting Question marks and Crosses all over my board from the start.
He made a huge mistake and I put a Cross on the minion. He immediately sold all of his minions. Poor child probably couldn’t handle it.