BG amalgams need to go bye bye

these things are a joke , just lost to a player that had 3 bubbled poison with no murlocs and no mechs in game , i cant fathom the odds of that particular roll

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It you’ve got a golden Brann the odds are pretty high (you use sea food slinger to golden them to keep more in the pool).

See Dog get this a fair amount (admittedly cut for highlights, but he had 6 of them in one game).

no brann either which made oh so much more irritating

They most likely had Brann and then sold him for something better after buffing the minions.

Yeah probably had Brann and then sold him off as you don’t want him in your final comp.

Well your wish came trough, but now the meta turned even worse with the F^#@^%$ naga… overpowered as hell… 7 people play it and still manage to get every single one…im playing something else… and i barely see murlocs,pirates,mechs etc when im playing them…they removed buddy’s wich was a mistake. and now naga are rulling the BG… no variety anymore. menagerie got nerfed hard so that fun is gone. now its naga,naga,naga,naga… time to play something else. blizzard doesnt care at all what people want and since bg is not making profit they simply say. F you

The introductory season will always have Nagas in the mix, but once it’s over, Nagas will swap in and out like the rest of the tribes.

I haven’t really seen Nagas domineering. You can also easily mix them with other tribes, since they’re buff givers primarily.

ive not seen naga win once yet and i have tried a few times murlocs and ele’s still smash them